error: incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from long to int
时间: 2023-06-13 21:03:21 浏览: 364
这个错误通常是因为试图将一个 long 类型的值赋给一个 int 类型的变量,而 int 类型的范围比 long 类型小,因此可能会发生数据丢失。要解决这个问题,可以将 int 类型的变量改为 long 类型,或者使用强制类型转换将 long 类型的值转换为 int 类型。例如:
long num1 = 10000000000L;
int num2 = (int) num1;
在这个例子中,num1 是 long 类型的,num2 是 int 类型的,我们使用强制类型转换将 num1 转换为 int 类型的值并赋给 num2。请注意,由于 num1 的值超过了 int 类型的范围,因此我们在其后面添加了一个大写字母 L,表示这是一个 long 类型的字面量。
java: incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from long to int
This error occurs when you try to assign a long value to an int variable, and the long value is too large to be represented as an int. In Java, long is a 64-bit signed integer, while int is a 32-bit signed integer. Therefore, if you try to assign a long value that is larger than the maximum value of an int (2147483647), the compiler will generate an error.
For example, the following code will generate the error "incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from long to int":
long myLong = 1234567890;
int myInt = myLong;
To fix this error, you can either change the type of the variable to long, or you can cast the long value to an int using the (int) operator. However, be aware that casting a long value to an int may result in data loss, as the long value may be too large to fit into the int variable.
: incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from double to int int index=Math.pow(7,num);
这个错误信息":incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from double to int"是在Java编程中常见的,它表明你在尝试将一个double类型的值赋给一个int类型的变量,但是double类型的数据可能会包含小数部分,而int类型则是整数,不允许有小数。在这个例子中:
int index = Math.pow(7, num);
`Math.pow(7, num)`会返回一个double类型的值,因为你传入了两个double类型的参数(7是隐式转换成double的)。当你试图将这个结果(一个double)赋值给int类型的index,就会导致潜在的数据丢失,因为double的小数部分会被截断。
int index = (int) Math.floor(Math.pow(7, num)); // 使用Math.floor()保留向下取整的整数
int index = (int) Math.round(Math.pow(7, num)); // 使用Math.round()四舍五入到最接近的整数