在Matlab里i = deg2rad(i)怎么理解
时间: 2023-11-28 14:51:30 浏览: 99
在 Matlab 中,`deg2rad` 是一个函数,用于将角度(度数)转换为弧度。在计算机科学中,弧度是一种角度的度量方式,它是以弧长的长度为单位的角度大小。弧度的定义是:一个圆的周长等于2πr,其中r是圆的半径,而一弧度等于沿圆周的弧长正好等于半径的长度。因此,弧度是一种更自然、更方便的角度度量方式,比度数更加精确。
因此,在 Matlab 中,将角度转换为弧度可以通过使用 `deg2rad` 函数来实现。例如,如果 `i` 是一个角度,则可以使用以下代码将其转换为弧度:
i = deg2rad(i);
这将把 `i` 中存储的角度值转换为弧度,并将其更新为新的弧度值。
% 读取经纬度数据 data1 = readmatrix('2017前.csv'); lon1 = data1(:, 1); lat1 = data1(:, 2); data2 = readmatrix('2017后.csv'); lon2 = data2(:, 1); lat2 = data2(:, 2); % 将经纬度转换为弧度制 lon1_rad = deg2rad(lon1); lat1_rad = deg2rad(lat1); lon2_rad = deg2rad(lon2); lat2_rad = deg2rad(lat2); % 计算距离矩阵 dist_mat = pdist2([lat1_rad, lon1_rad], [lat2_rad, lon2_rad], @haversine); % 设定距离阈值 threshold = 0.1; % 单位为弧度 % 找到距离小于阈值的坐标点对 [row, col] = find(dist_mat < threshold & dist_mat > 0); % 输出相近坐标点对 for i = 1:length(row) fprintf('Coordinate %d in group 1 is close to coordinate %d in group 2\n', row(i), col(i)); end
function [dist] = haversine(latlon1, latlon2)
% HAVERSINE Compute distance between two points on a sphere
% DIST = HAVERSINE(LATLON1, LATLON2) returns the great-circle
% distance between two points on a sphere in kilometers. LATLON1
% and LATLON2 are vectors of the form [LATITUDE, LONGITUDE],
% where LATITUDE and LONGITUDE are given in degrees.
% This implementation uses the Haversine formula. Other methods
% may be more accurate for small distances or for distances
% between points near the poles.
% Radius of the Earth in km
R = 6371;
% Convert latitude and longitude to radians
lat1 = latlon1(1);
lon1 = latlon1(2);
lat2 = latlon2(1);
lon2 = latlon2(2);
lat1_rad = deg2rad(lat1);
lon1_rad = deg2rad(lon1);
lat2_rad = deg2rad(lat2);
lon2_rad = deg2rad(lon2);
% Compute Haversine formula
delta_lat = lat2_rad - lat1_rad;
delta_lon = lon2_rad - lon1_rad;
a = sin(delta_lat/2)^2 + cos(lat1_rad)*cos(lat2_rad)*sin(delta_lon/2)^2;
c = 2*atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a));
dist = R*c;
clc; clear all; r = 1; % 齿轮半径 alphak = linspace(0, 2*pi, 1000); % 角度范围 alphak=deg2rad(alphak); thetak=tan(alphak)-alphak; thetak=deg2rad(thetak); rk=r./cos(alphak); polarplot(thetak, rk)
这段代码是用Matlab绘制齿轮渐开线的。其中,`clc`和`clear all`分别是清空命令窗口和工作区变量的命令。
接下来,`thetak=tan(alphak)-alphak; thetak=deg2rad(thetak)`计算渐开线的极角,`rk=r./cos(alphak)`计算渐开线的极径。