怎么优化下面SQL: select distinct bid from ( select row_number() over(order by bid,start_date) as num,bid,start_date,end_date from t1 )a inner join ( select row_number() over(order by bid,start_date) as num,bid,start_date,end_date from t1 )b on a.bid = b.bid where a.num = b.num+1
时间: 2023-12-29 17:02:09 浏览: 76
WITH cte AS (
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY bid, start_date) AS num, bid, start_date, end_date
FROM cte a
INNER JOIN cte b ON a.bid = b.bid AND a.num = b.num + 1
select i.id, i.name, i.group_id, i.max_people, i.create_time, u.nick_name, w.shrimp, gb.total, gpo.order_total, gpo.rake_total, gpo.shell_total, gpo.consume_total from im_group_information i left join im_group g on g.group_id = i.group_id and g.admin=2 left join (select group_id, count(group_id) total from im_group where is_delete=0 group by group_id) gb on gb.group_id = i.group_id left join (select bid, count(bid) order_total, sum(rake) rake_total, sum(price) shell_total, count(distinct uid) consume_total from g_prop_order where is_delete=0 group by bid) gpo on gpo.bid = g.u_id left join u_user u on u.id = g.u_id left join u_wallet w on w.id = g.u_id left join (select uid, count(distinct uid) offline_total from u_online_log group by uid) l on g.u_id = l.uid where i.is_delete = 0;怎么查到im_group_information群组表中七天内登陆过的用户数量
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT l.uid) AS login_total
FROM im_group_information i
LEFT JOIN im_group g ON g.group_id = i.group_id AND g.admin = 2
LEFT JOIN u_user u ON u.id = g.u_id
LEFT JOIN u_online_log l ON g.u_id = l.uid
WHERE i.is_delete = 0
AND l.login_time >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)
这里使用了 `COUNT(DISTINCT l.uid)` 来统计七天内登陆过的用户数量,同时在 `WHERE` 子句中加入条件 `l.login_time >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)` 来筛选出七天内登陆过的用户。
SELECT * FROM d_bd_bideval AS a INNER JOIN d_bd_bid AS bid ON a.bidid = bid.bidid INNER JOIN d_bd_bidevalexpertdtl AS b ON a.bidevalid = b.bidevalid WHERE ( b.expertmajortype = 'ExpertMajorType_001' OR bid.scoreMethod = 'unEval' ) AND ( a.bidEvalNo LIKE '%BED20230315000002%' ) 我要对这一段sql语句进行去重
SELECT DISTINCT a.*, bid.*, b.*
FROM d_bd_bideval AS a
INNER JOIN d_bd_bid AS bid ON a.bidid = bid.bidid
INNER JOIN d_bd_bidevalexpertdtl AS b ON a.bidevalid = b.bidevalid
WHERE (b.expertmajortype = 'ExpertMajorType_001' OR bid.scoreMethod = 'unEval')
AND (a.bidEvalNo LIKE '%BED20230315000002%')