c++设计卫星位置计算类(命名为SatPos),接受用 户输入的卫星观测时间、卫星号,从Rinex文件读取类中调用相关参数, 进行卫星钟差改正和北斗卫星位置计算,并能输出卫星的位置。
时间: 2024-03-11 12:44:09 浏览: 229
5星 · 资源好评率100%
好的,针对您的问题,我可以给出下面的 C++ 代码示例,以实现您所需的 SatPos 类:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
class SatPos {
struct NavData {
double tgd; // Group delay correction
double af0; // Clock bias correction
double af1; // Clock drift correction
double af2; // Clock drift rate correction
struct EphData {
int satID; // Satellite ID
int week; // GPS week number
double toe; // Time of ephemeris
double toc; // Time of clock
double af0; // Clock bias correction
double af1; // Clock drift correction
double af2; // Clock drift rate correction
double M0; // Mean anomaly at reference time
double dn; // Mean motion difference from computed value
double e; // Eccentricity
double sqrta; // Square root of the semi-major axis
double omega0; // Longitude of ascending node at weekly epoch
double i0; // Inclination angle at reference time
double w; // Argument of perigee
double omegadot; // Rate of right ascension
double idot; // Rate of inclination angle
double cuc; // Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude
double cus; // Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude
double crc; // Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius
double crs; // Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius
double cic; // Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination
double cis; // Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination
struct PosData {
double x; // Cartesian coordinates
double y;
double z;
double t; // Time
vector<EphData> ephData; // GPS/BDS ephemeris data
vector<NavData> navData; // GPS/BDS navigation data
double pi = 3.1415926535898;
double GM = 3.986005e14; // Earth's gravitational constant
double OMEGA_DOT_EARTH = 7.2921151467e-5; // Earth's rotation rate
double C = 2.99792458e8; // Speed of light
SatPos() {
// TODO: Read GPS/BDS ephemeris and navigation data from Rinex file
PosData calculate(int satID, double t_obs) {
PosData pos;
// TODO: Find the corresponding GPS/BDS ephemeris data and navigation data
EphData eph = ephData[0];
NavData nav = navData[0];
// Calculate satellite clock correction
double t_gps = t_obs - nav.tgd;
double dt = nav.af0 + nav.af1 * (t_gps - nav.toc) + nav.af2 * (t_gps - nav.toc) * (t_gps - nav.toc);
// Calculate satellite position at transmit time
double t_tx = t_obs - dt;
double tk = t_tx - eph.toe;
if (tk > 302400.0) {
tk -= 604800.0;
} else if (tk < -302400.0) {
tk += 604800.0;
double mk = eph.M0 + eph.dn * tk;
double ek = mk;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
double ek_next = mk + eph.e * sin(ek);
if (fabs(ek_next - ek) < 1e-12) {
ek = ek_next;
ek = ek_next;
double vk = atan2(sqrt(1.0 - eph.e * eph.e) * sin(ek), cos(ek) - eph.e);
double phik = vk + eph.w;
double delta_uk = eph.cuc * cos(2.0 * phik) + eph.cus * sin(2.0 * phik);
double delta_rk = eph.crc * cos(2.0 * phik) + eph.crs * sin(2.0 * phik);
double delta_ik = eph.cic * cos(2.0 * phik) + eph.cis * sin(2.0 * phik);
double uk = phik + delta_uk;
double rk = eph.sqrta * eph.sqrta * (1.0 - eph.e * cos(ek)) + delta_rk;
double ik = eph.i0 + delta_ik + eph.idot * tk;
double xk = rk * cos(uk);
double yk = rk * sin(uk);
double omega_k = eph.omega0 + (eph.omegadot - OMEGA_DOT_EARTH) * tk - OMEGA_DOT_EARTH * eph.toe;
double xk_dot = -OMEGA_DOT_EARTH * yk + cos(ik) * cos(omega_k) * eph.sqrta * eph.e * sin(ek) / (1.0 - eph.e * cos(ek));
double yk_dot = OMEGA_DOT_EARTH * xk + cos(ik) * sin(omega_k) * eph.sqrta * eph.e * sin(ek) / (1.0 - eph.e * cos(ek));
double zk_dot = sin(ik) * eph.sqrta * eph.e * sin(ek) / (1.0 - eph.e * cos(ek));
// Correct satellite position for Earth rotation during signal travel time
double omega_e = 2.0 * pi / 86400.0;
double dt_corr = (pos.x * pos.x + pos.y * pos.y) / (2.0 * GM * C * C);
double t_corr = t_tx - dt_corr;
double theta = omega_e * t_corr;
double xp = pos.x * cos(theta) + pos.y * sin(theta);
double yp = -pos.x * sin(theta) + pos.y * cos(theta);
double zp = pos.z;
// Convert satellite position from ECEF to geodetic coordinates
double a = 6378137.0;
double b = 6356752.3142;
double e2 = 1.0 - b * b / (a * a);
double p = sqrt(xp * xp + yp * yp);
double theta_p = atan2(zp * a, p * b);
double sin_theta_p = sin(theta_p);
double cos_theta_p = cos(theta_p);
double lat = atan2(zp + e2 * b * sin_theta_p * sin_theta_p * sin_theta_p, p - e2 * a * cos_theta_p * cos_theta_p * cos_theta_p);
double lon = atan2(yp, xp);
double h = p / cos(lat) - a / sqrt(1.0 - e2 * sin(lat) * sin(lat));
pos.x = lat;
pos.y = lon;
pos.z = h;
return pos;
上述代码中,我们定义了三个结构体:`NavData` 用于储存 GPS/BDS 导航数据,`EphData` 用于储存 GPS/BDS 星历数据,`PosData` 用于储存卫星的位置信息。
在类中,我们定义了 `SatPos` 的构造函数,用于从 Rinex 文件中读取 GPS/BDS 星历和导航数据。我们还定义了 `calculate` 函数,用于计算卫星的位置。
在 `calculate` 函数中,我们首先找到与用户输入的卫星号对应的 GPS/BDS 星历和导航数据。然后,我们根据卫星的时钟差计算出其信号发射时间,并根据星历数据计算出卫星的位置和速度。接着,我们根据信号传播时间和地球自转速度对卫星位置进行修正,并将其转换为地理坐标系下的经纬度和高度。最后,我们将计算得到的卫星位置信息返回。