delay and sum beamforming python code with mic distance and angle as input
时间: 2024-05-04 09:18:32 浏览: 178
Here's an example of delay-and-sum beamforming code in Python, which takes microphone distance and angle as input:
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import stft
def delay_and_sum_beamforming(mic_array, audio_signal, source_angle):
Perform delay-and-sum beamforming on an audio signal with a microphone array.
mic_array (list of tuples): A list of tuples representing the microphone positions in meters, e.g. [(0, 0, 0), (0.05, 0, 0), (0.1, 0, 0)] for a 3-microphone array with 5 cm spacing.
audio_signal (ndarray): The audio signal to be processed.
source_angle (float): The angle of the sound source in degrees.
ndarray: The beamformed audio signal.
# Speed of sound in air
c = 343.2
# Convert angle to radians
source_angle_rad = np.radians(source_angle)
# Calculate delay times for each microphone
delays = []
for mic_pos in mic_array:
mic_dist = np.sqrt((mic_pos[0] ** 2) + (mic_pos[1] ** 2) + (mic_pos[2] ** 2))
delay = mic_dist * np.sin(source_angle_rad) / c
# Pad the audio signal with zeros to account for delay times
max_delay = np.max(delays)
pad_len = int(np.ceil(max_delay * c))
audio_signal_padded = np.pad(audio_signal, (0, pad_len), mode='constant')
# Split the audio signal into frames and perform STFT
frame_size = int(np.ceil(0.02 * c)) # 20 ms frame size
hop_size = int(np.ceil(0.01 * c)) # 10 ms hop size
_, _, audio_frames = stft(audio_signal_padded, nperseg=frame_size, noverlap=frame_size-hop_size)
# Apply delay-and-sum beamforming to each frame
beamformed_frames = []
for frame in audio_frames:
beamformed_frame = np.zeros_like(frame)
for i, mic_pos in enumerate(mic_array):
delay_samples = int(delays[i] * c)
beamformed_frame += np.roll(frame, shift=-delay_samples, axis=0)
# Inverse STFT and concatenate frames
_, beamformed_signal = np.fft.irfft(beamformed_frames, axis=0), axis=-1
beamformed_signal = np.concatenate(beamformed_signal)
return beamformed_signal
To use this code, you can call the `delay_and_sum_beamforming` function with the microphone array positions, audio signal, and source angle as inputs. For example:
mic_array = [(0, 0, 0), (0.05, 0, 0), (0.1, 0, 0)] # 3-microphone array with 5 cm spacing
audio_signal = np.random.randn(44100) # 1-second audio signal
source_angle = 30 # source angle in degrees
beamformed_signal = delay_and_sum_beamforming(mic_array, audio_signal, source_angle)
Note that this code assumes a uniform linear array with microphones spaced evenly along the x-axis. If your microphone array has a different geometry, you'll need to adjust the delay calculations accordingly.