将下面SQL语句通过sqlalchemy转换成orm语句实现:ELECT j.element, count(distinct b.requisition_no) as cnt FROM dws_v2_test.dws_biz_detail b JOIN dws_v2_test.dws_test_result p ON b.requisition_no=p.requisition_no JOIN JSON_TABLE(p.biok_category, '$[*]' columns (element varchar(50) path '$')) j WHERE b.tech_platform=:tech_platform AND b.prod_id=:prod_id and b.biz_type=:biz_type and b.report_status like '报告%' and b.report_result=:report_result and b.serv_id in :service_ids and j.element <> '' GROUP BY j.element;
时间: 2024-02-27 07:55:37 浏览: 232
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
from models import BizDetail, TestResult
# 别名定义
j = aliased(func.json_table(TestResult.biok_category, '$[*]'), name='j')
b = aliased(BizDetail, name='b')
# ORM查询语句
query = session.query(j.element, func.count(func.distinct(b.requisition_no)).label('cnt'))
query = query.join(TestResult, TestResult.requisition_no == b.requisition_no)
query = query.join(j, j.columns.element != '')
query = query.filter(b.tech_platform == :tech_platform, b.prod_id == :prod_id, b.biz_type == :biz_type,
b.report_status.like('报告%'), b.report_result == :report_result,
query = query.group_by(j.element)
# 获取查询结果
result = query.all()