时间: 2023-04-12 12:02:05 浏览: 141
4. (单选题) N 个人拎着水桶在一个水龙头前面排队打水,水桶有大有小,水桶必须打满水,水流恒定。如下( )说法不正确? A 让水桶小的人先打水,可以使得每个人排队时间之和最小 B 让水桶小的人先打水,在某个确定的时间t内,可以让尽可能多的人打上水 C 让水桶大的人先打水,可以使得每个人排队时间之和最小 D 若要在尽可能短的时间内,n个人都打完水,按照什么顺序其实都一样
选 C 让水桶大的人先打水,可以使得每个人排队时间之和最小是不正确的说法。实际上,让水桶小的人先打水可以使得每个人排队时间之和最小。这是因为如果让水桶大的人先打水,那么其他人就需要等待很长时间才能轮到自己打水,导致排队时间增加。而如果让水桶小的人先打水,那么他们打水的时间相对较短,其他人就可以更快地轮到自己打水,从而减少排队时间。
#ifdef DEBUG
#include <stdio.h>
#define PI 3.1415926
//#define DEBUG
int main() {
double length, width, height, bucketHeight, bucketRadius;
double poolVolume, bucketVolume;
int bucketNum;
printf("Please enter the length, width, and height of the pool: ");
scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &length, &width, &height);
printf("Please enter the height and bottom radius of the bucket: ");
scanf("%lf %lf", &bucketHeight, &bucketRadius);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("length = %lf, width = %lf, height = %lf\n", length, width, height);
printf("bucketHeight = %lf, bucketRadius = %lf\n", bucketHeight, bucketRadius);
poolVolume = length * width * height;
bucketVolume = PI * bucketRadius * bucketRadius * bucketHeight;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("poolVolume = %lf, bucketVolume = %lf\n", poolVolume, bucketVolume);
bucketNum = (int)(poolVolume / bucketVolume);
printf("It takes %d buckets to fill the pool.\n", bucketNum);
return 0;