请使用8086汇编语言对此题目进行编程1 、编程实现 C=A÷B。设A为3字节未组合BCD整数,B为1字 节未组合BCD整数,C为3字节未组合BCD整数,三个数均为 存储器数。包含BCD码转换指令
时间: 2024-10-29 14:13:07 浏览: 60
section .data
A DB 5, 4, 3 ; 3字节未组合BCD整数A (103 in BCD)
B DB 2 ; 1字节未组合BCD整数B (2 in BCD)
C DD 0, 0, 0 ; 3字节未组合BCD整数C (暂存)
section .code
global _start
; 转换A和B到组合BCD
mov ax, [A+2]
call bcd_to_comb
mov bx, [A+1]
call bcd_to_comb
mov cl, [A]
call bcd_to_comb
mov al, [B] ; Load B into AL
call bcd_to_comb ; Convert B to comb format
; 开始除法运算
mov di, C ; Destination pointer
xor dx, dx ; Clear DX for quotient
; Subtraction loop (simulating division)
sub dx, al ; Subtract B from DX (AL is in comb form)
inc di ; Move to next position in C
mov [di], dl ; Store the result in C
cmp dx, 0 ; Check if we have a remainder
jnz div_loop ; If not zero, continue subtraction
; 结束程序
mov ax, 4c00h ; Exit system call
int 21h
pusha ; Save registers
mov cx, 4 ; Number of bits per digit (BCD = 4 bits)
shr ax, 1 ; Shift right by one bit
rol cl, 1 ; Rotate counter down
add al, ah ; Add shifted bit to result
loop convert_loop; Continue until done with digit
popa ; Restore registers
ret ; Return
; 其他BCD转换函数可以按照上述思路编写,但这需要根据实际的8086汇编环境和指令集来定制