时间: 2023-09-12 08:08:37 浏览: 126
function [bestSolution, bestFitness] = chamaleon(nPop, nVar, maxIt, lb, ub, fobj)
% Initialize the population
popPosition = repmat(lb, nPop, nVar) + rand(nPop, nVar) .* repmat((ub - lb), nPop, 1);
popFitness = zeros(nPop, 1);
% Compute the fitness of the initial population
for i = 1:nPop
popFitness(i) = fobj(popPosition(i, :));
% Initialize the best solution and best fitness
[bestFitness, bestIndex] = min(popFitness);
bestSolution = popPosition(bestIndex, :);
% Main loop
for it = 1:maxIt
% Compute the distance between each pair of individuals
dist = pdist2(popPosition, popPosition);
% Compute the fitness difference between each pair of individuals
fitDiff = repmat(popFitness, 1, nPop) - repmat(popFitness', nPop, 1);
% Compute the probability of each individual to change its position
p = exp(-fitDiff ./ dist);
p = p ./ repmat(sum(p, 2), 1, nPop);
% Select a random individual to change its position
i = randi(nPop);
% Compute the new position of the selected individual
newPosition = popPosition(i, :) + (ub - lb) .* (rand(1, nVar) - 0.5);
newPosition = max(newPosition, lb);
newPosition = min(newPosition, ub);
% Compute the fitness of the new position
newFitness = fobj(newPosition);
% Update the population if the new individual is better
if newFitness < popFitness(i)
popPosition(i, :) = newPosition;
popFitness(i) = newFitness;
% Update the best solution and best fitness
if popFitness(i) < bestFitness
bestSolution = popPosition(i, :);
bestFitness = popFitness(i);
% Change the position of another individual according to the
% probability distribution
j = randsample(nPop, 1, true, p(i, :));
popPosition(i, :) = popPosition(j, :);
popFitness(i) = popFitness(j);
注意:本代码中的 `fobj` 是适应度函数,需要用户自己定义。另外,本代码中的变色龙算法是基于距离和适应度差异的概率模型实现的。如果需要实现其他变色龙算法,请参考相关文献并进行相应的修改。