
时间: 2023-08-02 20:02:03 浏览: 84
xmmintrin.h是一种C库头文件,用于支持SSE(Streaming SIMD Extensions)指令集的编程。SSE是Intel在1999年提出的一种增强指令集架构,它通过引入128位寄存器和相应的指令来加速向量化运算,在多媒体、图形处理等领域具有重要的应用价值。 xmmintrin.h提供了一系列的宏和函数,可以直接在C语言中使用SSE指令来进行向量计算。这些指令可以同时对多个数据进行操作,极大地提高了计算效率。与传统的x87浮点指令不同,SSE指令是面向向量数据的,可以一次处理多个数据元素,充分利用硬件的并行运算能力。 xmmintrin.h中定义了多个数据类型和操作函数,比如__m128、_mm_add_ps、_mm_sub_ps等。__m128是一个128位的数据类型,可以存储四个单精度浮点数,并支持相关的运算操作函数。例如,_mm_add_ps函数可以实现四个单精度浮点数的相加操作。 使用xmmintrin.h需要注意的是,由于SSE指令集是特定的硬件支持,代码在不支持SSE指令集的处理器上可能无法正常运行。为了确保代码的兼容性,可以使用宏定义来检测处理器是否支持SSE指令集,并根据需要选择是否使用SSE指令进行向量计算。 总之,xmmintrin.h是为了支持SSE指令集的编程而提供的头文件,它提供了简洁、高效的API和数据类型,使开发者可以方便地进行向量计算,充分利用硬件的并行运算能力,提高程序的性能。

xmmintrin.h: No such file or directory

This error message indicates that the compiler is unable to find the "xmmintrin.h" header file, which is a part of the Intel Intrinsics library. This library provides low-level functions for SIMD operations on x86 processors. To resolve this error, you need to ensure that the Intrinsics library is installed on your system and that the compiler is configured to include its header files. You may also need to specify the path to the Intrinsics library in your compiler settings. If you are using a Linux-based system, you can install the Intrinsics library by running the following command: sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib This command will install the necessary libraries and header files for compiling programs that use the Intrinsics library. If you are using a different operating system or compiler, you may need to refer to the documentation for your specific setup to determine how to install and configure the Intrinsics library.

xmmintrin.h文件报错#ifndef a #define a #include "student.h" #include <iostream> #endif using namespace std; int main(){ student s1; s1.scoretotalcount(100); student s2; s2.scoretotalcount(90); student s3; s3.scoretotalcount(80); student s4; s4.scoretotalcount(95); student s5; s5.scoretotalcount(85); student s6; s6.scoretotalcount(100); cout << "the total score :" << student::sum()<<endl; cout << " the average score of the class:" << student::average() << endl; }#ifndef a #define a #include "student.h" #include <iostream> #endif using namespace std; void student::scoretotalcount(double s){ score = s; count++; total = total + score; cout << "the student" << count << "'s score=" << score << endl << "total score=" << total <<endl<< "th number of student:" << count<<endl; }class student{ double score; static int count; static double total; public: void scoretotalcount(double s); static double sum(){ return total; } static double average(){ return total/count;} }; int student::count = 0; double student::total = 0;

这段代码存在一些问题: 1. `xmmintrin.h`头文件是SSE指令集的头文件,应该与这段代码无关,可能是你在其他地方使用了SSE指令集但没有包含这个头文件。 2. `student`类的定义应该放在`main`函数之前,因为`main`函数中用到了`student`类。 3. `#ifndef a #define a ... #endif` 这段代码似乎没有意义,可以直接删掉。 下面是修改后的代码: ```cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std; class student{ double score; static int count; static double total; public: void scoretotalcount(double s); static double sum(){ return total; } static double average(){ return total/count; } }; int student::count = 0; double student::total = 0; void student::scoretotalcount(double s){ score = s; count++; total = total + score; cout << "the student " << count << "'s score=" << score << endl << "total score=" << total <<endl<< "the number of student:" << count<<endl; } int main(){ student s1; s1.scoretotalcount(100); student s2; s2.scoretotalcount(90); student s3; s3.scoretotalcount(80); student s4; s4.scoretotalcount(95); student s5; s5.scoretotalcount(85); student s6; s6.scoretotalcount(100); cout << "the total score :" << student::sum()<<endl; cout << "the average score of the class:" << student::average() << endl; return 0; } ```


分析一下这段代码:#include "stdio.h" #include<xmmintrin.h> //Need this for SSE compiler intrinsics #include<math.h> //Needed for sqrt in CPU-only version #include<time.h> int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { printf("Starting calculation...\n"); const int length=64000; //We will be calculating Y=SQRT(x)/x, for x=1->64000 //If you do not properly align your data for SSE instructions, you may take a huge performance hit. float *pResult=(float *)_aligned_malloc(length*sizeof(float),16); //align to 16-byte for SSE __m128 x; __m128 xDelta=_mm_set1_ps(4.0f); //Set the xDelta to (4,4,4,4) __m128 *pResultSSE=(__m128 *)pResult; const int SSELength=length/4; clock_t clock1=clock(); #define TIME_SSE //Define this if you want to run with SSE #ifdef TIME_SSE //lots of stress loops so we can easily use a stopwatch for(int stress=0;stress<1000;stress++) { //Set the initial values of x to (4,3,2,1) x=_mm_set_ps(4.0f,3.0f,2.0f,1.0f); for(int i=0; i<SSELength; i++) { __m128 xSqrt=_mm_sqrt_ps(x); //Note! Division is slow. It's actually faster to take the reciprocal of a number and multiply //Also note that Division is more accurate than taking the reciprocal and multiplying #define USE_DIVISION_METHOD #ifdef USE_FAST_METHOD _m128 xRecip=_mm_rcp_ps(x); pResultSSE[i]=_mm_mul_ps(xRecip,xSqrt); #endif //USE_FAST_METHOD #ifdef USE_DIVISION_METHOD pResultSSE[i]=_mm_div_ps(xSqrt,x); #endif //USE_DIVISION_METHOD //Advance x to the next set of numbers x=_mm_add_ps(x,xDelta); } } clock_t clock2=clock(); printf("SIMDtime:%d ms\n",1000*(clock2-clock1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #endif //TIME_SSE #define TIME_noSSE #ifdef TIME_noSSE clock_t clock3=clock(); //lots of stress loops so we can easily use a stopwatch for(int stress=0;stress<1000;stress++) { clock_t clock3=clock(); float xFloat=1.0f; for(int i=0;i<length;i++) { //Even though division is slow,there are no intrinsic functions like there are in SSE pResult[i]=sqrt(xFloat)/xFloat; xFloat+=1.0f; } } clock_t clock4=clock(); printf("noSIMDtime:%d ms\n",1000*(clock4-clock3)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #endif //TIME_noSSE return 0; }

给出下列代码在OpenCL中的运行结果:#include "stdio.h" #include <xmmintrin.h> // Need this for SSE compiler intrinsics #include <math.h> // Needed for sqrt in CPU-only version #include <time.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { printf("Starting calculation...\n"); const int length = 64000; // We will be calculating Y = SQRT(x) / x, for x = 1->64000 // If you do not properly align your data for SSE instructions, you may take a huge performance hit. float *pResult = (float*) _aligned_malloc(length * sizeof(float), 16); // align to 16-byte for SSE __m128 x; __m128 xDelta = _mm_set1_ps(4.0f); // Set the xDelta to (4,4,4,4) __m128 *pResultSSE = (__m128*) pResult; const int SSELength = length / 4; clock_t clock1=clock(); #define TIME_SSE // Define this if you want to run with SSE #ifdef TIME_SSE // lots of stress loops so we can easily use a stopwatch for (int stress = 0; stress < 1000; stress++) { // Set the initial values of x to (4,3,2,1) x = _mm_set_ps(4.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f); for (int i=0; i < SSELength; i++) { __m128 xSqrt = _mm_sqrt_ps(x); // Note! Division is slow. It's actually faster to take the reciprocal of a number and multiply // Also note that Division is more accurate than taking the reciprocal and multiplying #define USE_DIVISION_METHOD #ifdef USE_FAST_METHOD __m128 xRecip = _mm_rcp_ps(x); pResultSSE[i] = _mm_mul_ps(xRecip, xSqrt); #endif //USE_FAST_METHOD #ifdef USE_DIVISION_METHOD pResultSSE[i] = _mm_div_ps(xSqrt, x); #endif // USE_DIVISION_METHOD // Advance x to the next set of numbers x = _mm_add_ps(x, xDelta); } } clock_t clock2=clock(); printf("SIMDtime:%d ms\n",1000*(clock2-clock1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #endif // TIME_SSE #define TIME_NoSSE #ifdef TIME_NoSSE clock_t clock3=clock(); // lots of stress loops so we can easily use a stopwatch for (int stress = 0; stress < 1000; stress++) { clock_t clock3=clock(); float xFloat = 1.0f; for (int i=0 ; i < length; i++) { // Even though division is slow, there are no intrinsic functions like there are in SSE pResult[i] = sqrt(xFloat) / xFloat; xFloat += 1.0f; } } clock_t clock4=clock(); printf("noSIMDtime:%d ms\n",1000*(clock4-clock3)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #endif // TIME_noSSE return 0; }   












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