关于惩罚预测误差(punishment prediction error)的相关文献有哪些
时间: 2024-05-21 11:12:43 浏览: 145
Punishment:用于 BukkitSpigot 服务器的广泛惩罚插件 API
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2. Schultz W, Dayan P, Montague PR (1997). A neural substrate of prediction and reward. Science 275(5306): 1593-1599.
3. Tobler PN, Fiorillo CD, Schultz W (2005). Adaptive coding of reward value by dopamine neurons. Science 307(5715): 1642-1645.
4. Friston KJ (2013). Life as we know it. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 10(86): 20130475.
5. Sutton RS, Barto AG (1998). Reinforcement learning: An introduction. MIT Press.