error: too few arguments to function 'lv_txt_get_size'
时间: 2024-05-17 21:14:27 浏览: 165
这个错误表明在调用 `lv_txt_get_size` 函数时参数数量不足。`lv_txt_get_size` 函数用于获取给定字符串在给定字体和字号下的宽度和高度。该函数需要三个参数,分别是字符串指针、字体指针和字号。请检查你调用 `lv_txt_get_size` 函数时是否提供了这三个参数,如果没有,请添加缺失的参数。如果你确定已经提供了三个参数,则可能是函数声明不正确,或者你没有正确包含相关的头文件。请检查这些问题并尝试解决它们。
error: too few arguments to function 'timer_get_counter_value'
error: too few arguments to function ‘itoa_my’
This error message means that the function `itoa_my` is being called with too few arguments. `itoa_my` requires at least two arguments: an integer to be converted to a string, and a character array to store the resulting string.
To fix this error, make sure that you are calling `itoa_my` with the correct number of arguments. For example, if you want to convert the integer `42` to a string and store it in the character array `str`, you would call `itoa_my(42, str)`.
If you are still having trouble, check the function signature and documentation for `itoa_my` to make sure you are using it correctly.