Carry+out+the+following+exploratory+time+series+analysis+in+R+using+either the+chocolate+or+the+beer
时间: 2023-10-01 11:11:15 浏览: 97
Sure! To perform exploratory time series analysis in R using the chocolate dataset, you can follow these steps:
1. Install and load the necessary:
2. Load the chocolate dataset:
data(chocolate, package = "astsa")
3. Explore the dataset:
head(chocolate) # View the first few rows of the dataset
summary(chocolate) # View summary statistics of the dataset
4. Plot the time series:
plot(chocolate, type = "l", main = "Chocolate Production Time Series") # Line plot
5. Check for seasonality:
decomposed <- stl(chocolate, s.window = "periodic") # Decompose the time series
plot(decomposed) # Plot the decomposition
6. Check for stationarity:
adf.test(chocolate) # Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for stationarity
7. Perform autocorrelation analysis:
acf(chocolate) # Autocorrelation function plot
pacf(chocolate) # Partial autocorrelation function plot
8. Fit a basic model:
fit <- arima(chocolate, order = c(1, 0, 0)) # Fit an AR(1) model
summary(fit) # View the model summary
Related questions:
1. How can I detect and handle outliers in a time series?
2. Can you explain the steps for forecasting future values in a time series?
3. What other models can I use for time series analysis besides ARIMA?