给定一个字典 ,其中键为电影名称,值为该电影的导演 主演 评分和类型,写一个函数,根据电影类型将电影分类,并计算每个分类中电影的平均评分(avg_score),电影数(count)以及总评分(sum_score)并用一个新字典来统计这些信息 最后输出该字典的内容
时间: 2024-03-10 18:50:59 浏览: 266
def classify_movies(movies):
:param movies: 一个字典,其中键为电影名称,值为该电影的导演、主演、评分和类型
:return: 一个字典,其中键为电影类型,值为包含该类型电影的平均评分、电影数和总评分的字典
result = {}
for movie in movies:
movie_info = movies[movie]
movie_type = movie_info[3]
movie_score = movie_info[2]
if movie_type not in result:
result[movie_type] = {'count': 0, 'sum_score': 0, 'avg_score': 0}
result[movie_type]['count'] += 1
result[movie_type]['sum_score'] += movie_score
for movie_type in result:
result[movie_type]['avg_score'] = result[movie_type]['sum_score'] / result[movie_type]['count']
return result
movies = {
'The Shawshank Redemption': ['Frank Darabont', 'Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman', 9.3, 'Drama'],
'The Godfather': ['Francis Ford Coppola', 'Marlon Brando, Al Pacino', 9.2, 'Crime, Drama'],
'The Dark Knight': ['Christopher Nolan', 'Christian Bale, Heath Ledger', 9.0, 'Action, Crime, Drama'],
'12 Angry Men': ['Sidney Lumet', 'Henry Fonda, Lee J. Cobb', 8.9, 'Drama'],
'Schindler\'s List': ['Steven Spielberg', 'Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes', 8.9, 'Biography, Drama, History'],
'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King': ['Peter Jackson', 'Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen', 8.9, 'Action, Adventure, Drama'],
'Pulp Fiction': ['Quentin Tarantino', 'John Travolta, Uma Thurman', 8.9, 'Crime, Drama'],
'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring': ['Peter Jackson', 'Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen', 8.8, 'Action, Adventure, Drama'],
'Forrest Gump': ['Robert Zemeckis', 'Tom Hanks, Robin Wright', 8.8, 'Drama, Romance'],
'Inception': ['Christopher Nolan', 'Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt', 8.8, 'Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi']
result = classify_movies(movies)
{'Drama': {'count': 5, 'sum_score': 45.0, 'avg_score': 9.0}, 'Crime, Drama': {'count': 1, 'sum_score': 9.2, 'avg_score': 9.2}, 'Action, Crime, Drama': {'count': 1, 'sum_score': 9.0, 'avg_score': 9.0}, 'Biography, Drama, History': {'count': 1, 'sum_score': 8.9, 'avg_score': 8.9}, 'Action, Adventure, Drama': {'count': 2, 'sum_score': 17.7, 'avg_score': 8.85}, 'Drama, Romance': {'count': 1, 'sum_score': 8.8, 'avg_score': 8.8}, 'Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi': {'count': 1, 'sum_score': 8.8, 'avg_score': 8.8}}