解释这段代码onLoad: function (options) { let that = this; var openid = app.globalData.openid; if (openid === null || openid === undefined) { app.getOpenid(); wx.showToast({ //这里提示失败原因 title: 'openid为空!', duration: 1500 }) return; } let vipInfo = app.globalData.vipInfo console.log("修改个人信息页", vipInfo) if (vipInfo && vipInfo.username) { that.setData({ username: vipInfo.username, phone: vipInfo.phone, zhuohao: vipInfo.zhuohao, renshu: vipInfo.renshu, first: false }) }
时间: 2023-12-02 22:06:40 浏览: 110
onLoad: function (options) { let that = this; var openid = app.globalData.openid; if (openid === null || openid === undefined) { app.getOpenid(); wx.showToast({ //这里提示失败原因 title: 'openid为空!', duration: 1500 }) return; } let vipInfo = app.globalData.vipInfo console.log("修改个人信息页", vipInfo) if (vipInfo && vipInfo.username) { that.setData({ username: vipInfo.username, phone: vipInfo.phone, zhuohao: vipInfo.zhuohao, renshu: vipInfo.renshu, first: false }) }
这段代码是一个小程序页面的 `onLoad` 函数,当页面被加载时会执行这个函数。首先获取全局变量 `openid`,如果它是 `null` 或者 `undefined`,则调用 `app.getOpenid()` 函数获取用户的 `openid`,并且弹出一个提示框。然后获取全局变量 `vipInfo`,如果它存在并且有 `username` 属性,则将其值分别赋给页面数据对象 `username`,`phone`,`zhuohao` 和 `renshu`。最后将页面数据对象 `first` 的值设为 `false`。这段代码的具体功能应该是在小程序中修改个人信息,需要获取用户的 `openid` 和已有的个人信息。
opendLocation(event){ var that = this; wx.openLocation({ latitude: that.data.action.latitude, longitude: that.data.action.longitude, }) }, previewImg(event){ var that = this; console.log(event) wx.previewImage({ current: event.currentTarget.dataset.src,//当前显示图片的路径 urls: that.data.action.images, }) }, onLoad: function (options) { this.setData({ openid : app.globalData.openid }) console.log(options.id) this.data.id = options.id this.getDetail() }, getDetail(){ var that = this; wx.cloud.database().collection('shop_actions').doc(this.data.id).get({ success(res){ console.log(res) var action = res.data action.time = util.formatTime(new Date(action.time)) for(var l in action.prizeList){ if(action.prizeList[l].openid == app.globalData.openid){ action.isPrized = true } } for(var l in action.commentList){ action.commentList[l].time = util.formatTime(new Date(action.commentList[l].time)) } that.setData({ action: res.data }) } }) }, delete(){ console.log(this.data.id) var that = this; wx.cloud.database().collection('shop_actions').doc(this.data.id).remove({ success(res){ console.log(res) wx.navigateBack({ success(res){ wx.showToast({ title: '删除成功!', }) } }) } }) }, pirzeAction(event){ var that = this; if(app.globalData.userInfo == null){ wx.switchTab({ url: '/pages/me/me', success(){ wx.showToast({ icon:'error', title: '请登录', }) } }) }else { console.log(that.data.id) var that = this; wx.cloud.database().collection('shop_actions').doc(that.data.id).get({ success(res){ console.log(res) var action = res.data var tag = false var index for(var l in action.prizeList){ if(action.prizeList[l].openid == app.globalData.openid){ tag = true index = l break } }