学习python的基础语法, 根据给定的材料, 完成三个小练习: Q1: Addition Q2: buyLotsOfFruit function Q3: shopSmart function
时间: 2024-09-18 20:09:27 浏览: 50
学习 Python 的基础语法对初学者非常重要。下面是针对您提到的三个小练习的简要解释:
Q1: Addition (加法)
# 定义一个函数,接收两个参数并返回它们的和
def add_numbers(a, b):
return a + b
# 示例用法
num1 = 5
num2 = 3
result = add_numbers(num1, num2)
print(f"The sum of {num1} and {num2} is {result}.")
Q2: buyLotsOfFruit function (购买大量水果)
class FruitShop:
def __init__(self):
self.fruits = {}
# 添加水果和数量
def add_fruit(self, fruit, quantity):
self.fruits[fruit] = quantity
# 购买水果
def buy_lots_of_fruit(self, fruit_name, amount):
if fruit_name in self.fruits:
self.fruits[fruit_name] -= amount
if self.fruits[fruit_name] <= 0:
print(f"No more {fruit_name} available.")
print(f"{fruit_name} not found in the shop.")
shop = FruitShop()
shop.add_fruit("apples", 100) # 初始化苹果数量
shop.buy_lots_of_fruit("apples", 50) # 购买50个苹果
Q3: shopSmart function (智能购物)
class SmartShopper:
def __init__(self, budget=100):
self.budget = budget
self.items = []
def shop_smart(self, item, price, max_quantity=None):
if max_quantity is None:
max_quantity = float('inf') # 默认无限量购买
remaining_budget = self.budget - price * max_quantity
if remaining_budget >= 0:
self.items.append((item, price, max_quantity))
self.budget = remaining_budget
max_quantity = remaining_budget // price
self.items.append((item, price, max_quantity))
print(f"Cannot afford more than {max_quantity} of {item}")
# 使用示例
sharer = SmartShopper(80)
sharer.shop_smart("banana", 2, 5) # 香蕉每斤2元,最多买4斤
sharer.shop_smart("apple", 3) # 苹果每斤3元,直到预算耗尽