mov ah, 08h int 21h mov ax, 4C00h int 21h
时间: 2023-12-05 13:14:10 浏览: 146
These are assembly language instructions for the 16-bit Intel x86 architecture.
The first line moves the hexadecimal value 08h into the AH register.
The second line calls the DOS interrupt 21h, which is used for various system services in MS-DOS. In this case, it likely performs a read operation from standard input (keyboard).
The third line moves the hexadecimal value 4C00h into the AX register.
The fourth line calls the DOS interrupt 21h again, but this time with function code 4Ch, which terminates the program and returns control to the operating system.
Overall, this code likely reads a single character from the keyboard and then terminates the program.
data segment io8255a equ 288h io8255b equ 28bh io8253a equ 280h io8253b equ 283h table dw 524,588,660,698,784,880,988,1048;高音的;table dw 262,294,330,347,392,440,494,524;低音的msg db’ Press 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,ESC:’ ,0dh,0ah,’ $’data ends code segment assume cs:code, ds:data start: mov ax, data mov ds, ax mov dx, offset msg mov ah,9 int 21h sing: mov ah,7 int 21h cmp al,1bh je finish cmp al,’ l’ jl sing cmp al,’ 8’ jg sing sub al,31h shl al,1 mov bl, al mov bh,0 mov ax,4240H mov dx,0FH div word ptr[table+bx] mov bx, ax mov dx,io8253b mov al,00110110B out dx, al mov dx,io8253a mov ax, bx out dx, al mov al, ah out dx, al mov dx,io8255b mov al,10000000B out dx, al 7 mov dx,io8255a mov al,03h out dx, al call delay mov al,0h out dx, al jmp sing inish: mov ax,4c00h int 21h delay proc near push cx push ax mov ax,15 1:mov cx, Offffh 2:dec cx jnz x2 dec axjnz x1 pop ax pop cx ret delay endp code ends end start
这是一段使用汇编语言编写的程序,实现了通过键盘输入触发播放不同音乐的功能。程序中定义了一些常量和数据,如 io8255a、io8255b、io8253a、io8253b 等,这些常量可能是对硬件接口的地址或者相应的寄存器号的定义。程序中还定义了一个音乐表 table,里面包含了高音和低音的频率值。程序通过键盘输入获取用户的输入,如果输入是 ESC 键,则退出程序。如果输入的是数字键,程序会将其转换成相应的音符并播放出来。具体实现细节需要根据具体的汇编语言和硬件环境来确定。
ending: lea dx,str mov ah,9 int 21h mov ax,4c00h int 21h
首先,`lea dx,str` 将字符串的地址加载到 `dx` 寄存器中。这里的 `str` 是一个字符串常量,它可能在程序的数据段中定义。
然后,`mov ah,9` 设置 `ah` 寄存器的值为 9,这是 DOS 中的一个系统调用,用于在屏幕上显示字符串。
接着,`int 21h` 执行 DOS 的系统调用,将 `dx` 中的字符串显示在屏幕上。
最后,`mov ax,4c00h` 设置 `ax` 寄存器的值为 4c00h,这是 DOS 中的另一个系统调用,用于退出程序。
再次调用 `int 21h`,程序即可正常退出。