const toggleOption = (option: CheckboxOptionType) => { const optionIndex = mergedValue.value.indexOf(option.value); const value = [...mergedValue.value]; if (optionIndex === -1) { value.push(option.value); } else { value.splice(optionIndex, 1); } if (props.value === undefined) { mergedValue.value = value; } const val = value .filter(val => registeredValues.value.has(val)) .sort((a, b) => { const indexA = options.value.findIndex(opt => opt.value === a); const indexB = options.value.findIndex(opt => opt.value === b); return indexA - indexB; }); emit('update:value', val); emit('change', val); formItemContext.onFieldChange(); };这段代码中的emit作用,谢谢
时间: 2023-06-20 18:04:01 浏览: 160
`emit` 是 Vue.js 中的一个方法,用于触发一个自定义事件。在这段代码中,`emit('update:value', val)` 触发了一个名为 `update:value` 的自定义事件,并把参数 `val` 传递给该事件的回调函数。同时,`emit('change', val)` 也触发了一个名为 `change` 的自定义事件,并把参数 `val` 传递给该事件的回调函数。这样,当复选框选中状态发生变化时,就会触发这两个自定义事件,从而通知其他组件或父组件进行相应的处理。
优化此代码 const openKeys = ref<string[]>([]) const selectedKeys = ref<string[]>([]) const { currentMenu, currentMenuTree, currentMenuList } = storeToRefs( useLayoutStore(), ) const rootSubmenuKeys = currentMenuList.value.filter((v: any) => { if (v.type === 0) { return v.parentId } }) watch( () => currentMenu, () => { openKeys.value = [currentMenu.value?.parentId] selectedKeys.value = [currentMenu.value?.id] }, { immediate: true }, ) const router = useRouter() /** * 点击事件 * @param e 事件对象 */ const handleClick = (e: any) => { const item = currentMenuList.value.find((_) => === e.key) if (item) { router.push(item.path) } } /** * SubMenu 展开/关闭的回调 * @param e 展开的openKeys */ const onOpenChange = (e: any) => { const latestOpenKey = e.find((key: any) => openKeys.value.indexOf(key) === -1) if (rootSubmenuKeys.indexOf(latestOpenKey) === -1) { openKeys.value = e } else { openKeys.value = latestOpenKey ? [latestOpenKey] : [] } }
There are a few optimizations that could be made to this code:
1. Instead of using `ref` for `openKeys` and `selectedKeys`, you can use `reactive` to make the code more concise:
const state = reactive({
openKeys: [],
selectedKeys: [],
2. Instead of using `storeToRefs` to convert the store state to refs, you can use the `toRefs` function, which is shorter and more concise:
const { currentMenu, currentMenuTree, currentMenuList } = toRefs(useLayoutStore())
3. Instead of using `watch` to watch the `currentMenu` state changes, you can use a computed property to update the `openKeys` and `selectedKeys` arrays:
const selectedMenu = computed(() => {
const item = currentMenuList.value.find((_) => === currentMenu.value?.id)
return [item?.id] || []
const parentMenu = computed(() => {
const item = currentMenuList.value.find((_) => === currentMenu.value?.parentId)
return [item?.id] || []
watch([selectedMenu, parentMenu], ([selected, parent]) => {
state.selectedKeys = selected
state.openKeys = parent
4. Instead of using `router.push` in the `handleClick` function, you can use the `router.push` method directly in the template:
<Menu.Item :key="" :to="item.path">{{ }}</Menu.Item>
5. Finally, instead of using `rootSubmenuKeys` to filter the list of menu items, you can use a computed property to filter the list of menu items based on their type:
const subMenuItems = computed(() => {
return currentMenuList.value.filter((v: any) => v.type === 0 && v.parentId)
By applying these optimizations, the code can be simplified and made more concise.
const getClassifyData = ()=>{ let pararms = {name: nodeLable.value} getClassify(pararms).then(res=>{ TypeSelects.value = res.result if(parId.value){ return getClassify({classId:parId.value}) } }).then(res=>{ childOptions.value = res.result if(claId.value){ return getClassify({ indexId: claId.value }) } }).then(res=>{ lastResult.value = res.result tableData.value = => { const dashIndex = obj.indexFinalName.indexOf("-"); const dataType = obj.indexFinalName.substring(0, dashIndex) + "-基础数据"; return { ...obj, dataType }; }) }).catch(error=>{ console.log('error', error) }) }改进代码
1. 使用 async/await 替代 Promise 的 then() 和 catch() 方法,使代码更易读。
2. 将函数参数改为传入 pararms 对象,使代码更灵活。
3. 使用 try/catch 捕获错误,而不是使用 catch() 方法。
const getClassifyData = async (params) => {
try {
const res1 = await getClassify({ name: });
TypeSelects.value = res1.result;
const res2 = await getClassify({ classId: params.parId });
childOptions.value = res2.result;
const res3 = await getClassify({ indexId: params.claId });
lastResult.value = res3.result;
tableData.value = => {
const dashIndex = obj.indexFinalName.indexOf("-");
const dataType = obj.indexFinalName.substring(0, dashIndex) + "-基础数据";
return { ...obj, dataType };
} catch (error) {
console.log('error', error);