DatabaseError: Execution failed on sql 'select * from(select plucode as "商品编码",pluname as "商品名称",sum(HXTotal) as"销售金额",round(sum(HXTotal)/(select sum(hxtotal) FROM tSalPluDetail202305 A WHERE RPTDATE='2023-05-29' AND exists(select 1 from torgexinfo where udp1='超市' and udp3<>'3-批发中心' and orgcode=a.orgcode) and substr(clscode,1,4)='0802' )*100,2) as "销售占比",sum(HMTotal) as "毛利",round(sum(HMTotal)/sum(HXTotal)*100,2) as "毛利率"FROM tSalPluDetail202305 A WHERE RPTDATE='2023-05-29' AND exists(select 1 from torgexinfo where udp1='超市' and udp3<>'3-批发中心' and orgcode=a.orgcode)and substr(clscode,1,4)='0802' group by plucode,pluname ORDER BY sum(HXTotal) DESC) where ROWNUM <= 20': ORA-01476: 除数为 0
时间: 2024-02-20 17:00:51 浏览: 84
IntelliJ IDEA报错Error:java: Compilation failed: internal java compiler error的解决办法
round(sum(HXTotal)/(select sum(hxtotal) FROM tSalPluDetail202305 A WHERE RPTDATE='2023-05-29' AND exists(select 1 from torgexinfo where udp1='超市' and udp3<>'3-批发中心' and orgcode=a.orgcode) and substr(clscode,1,4)='0802' )*100,2) as "销售占比"
round(sum(HXTotal)/NULLIF((select sum(hxtotal) FROM tSalPluDetail202305 A WHERE RPTDATE='2023-05-29' AND exists(select 1 from torgexinfo where udp1='超市' and udp3<>'3-批发中心' and orgcode=a.orgcode) and substr(clscode,1,4)='0802' ),0)*100,2) as "销售占比"