const let var现在常用的是那个
时间: 2024-04-16 10:24:45 浏览: 92
现在常用的是 `const` 和 `let`。`const` 用于声明一个不可变的常量,而 `let` 用于声明一个可变的变量。相比之下,`var` 在ES6之后已经不再被推荐使用,因为它具有函数作用域而不是块级作用域,容易引起变量提升和作用域混乱的问题。所以,在现代的JavaScript开发中,推荐使用`const`和`let`来声明变量。
const let var
`const`, `let`, and `var` are all used to declare variables in JavaScript.
`var` was the original way to declare variables in JavaScript. However, it has some issues, such as hoisting and variable scope.
`let` and `const` were introduced in ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) to address these issues.
`let` is used to declare variables that can be reassigned. It has block scope, meaning it is only accessible within the block it is declared in.
`const` is used to declare variables that cannot be reassigned. It also has block scope.
In general, it is recommended to use `let` and `const` instead of `var`, as they have more predictable behavior and help prevent bugs in your code.
var const let