Truncate file to zero length or create text file for writing. The stream is positioned at the beginning of the file.
时间: 2024-10-29 10:14:32 浏览: 42
1. **截断文件**(Truncate File to Zero Length):
- 使用编程语言中的文件处理函数,通常涉及文件流(file stream)操作。例如,在Python中,你可以使用`open()`打开文件,然后用`seek(0)`定位到文件开始,再用`truncate(0)`将其大小设置为0。如果文件存在,这会删除所有内容,使其变成空文件。
with open('file.txt', 'w+b') as f:
2. **创建新文本文件** (Create Text File for Writing):
- 如果你想创建一个全新的文本文件,同样先使用`open()`函数,指定模式为'w'(write,追加写入),这样每次写入都会覆盖原有内容,直到文件关闭。
with open('new_file.txt', 'w') as f:
pass # 这里不需要实际写入,因为已经创建了文件
1. Dividing Two Integers (2’) Given two positive integers A and B (A is a divisor and B is a dividend, as dividend and divisor. Output the integer result of A / B. Please compute the result without using multiplication (*), division (/) and mod(%) operator. Note: 1. The integer division should truncate toward zero, which means losing its fractional part. 2. Divisor cannot be the zero and the output must be a number.
To solve this problem, we can use repeated subtraction to find how many times the divisor can be subtracted from the dividend without going below zero. This will give us the integer result of the division. Here's the code in Python:
def divide(divisor, dividend):
if divisor == 0:
return None # Divisor cannot be zero
if dividend == 0:
return 0 # Dividend is zero, so result is zero
# determine sign of the result
negative = (divisor < 0) ^ (dividend < 0)
# convert to positive numbers
divisor = abs(divisor)
dividend = abs(dividend)
quotient = 0
while dividend >= divisor:
dividend -= divisor
quotient += 1
# restore sign of the result
if negative:
quotient = -quotient
return quotient
In this code, we first check if the divisor is zero, which is not allowed. If the dividend is zero, then the result is zero. We also determine the sign of the result by checking if the divisor and dividend have different signs.
We then convert both the divisor and dividend to positive numbers to simplify the repeated subtraction. We use a while loop to subtract the divisor from the dividend until we can no longer do so without going below zero. We keep track of how many times we subtracted the divisor, which is the integer result of the division.
Finally, we restore the sign of the result if necessary and return it. This code should work for any positive integers A and B, as long as A is not zero.
truncate the data of column sc
To truncate the data of column "sc" in a table, you can use the following SQL command:
UPDATE table_name SET sc = TRUNCATE(sc, 2);
This command will truncate the data of column "sc" to 2 decimal places. You can modify the number 2 to any other value depending on your requirements.