``` mpirun -r ssh -genv I_MPI_PIN_PROCESSOR_LIST bunch -n 16 gmx_mpi mdrun -s em.tpr -deffnm em```pdsh是什么?
时间: 2024-12-17 07:21:12 浏览: 6
`pdsh` (Parallel Data Shell)是一个命令行工具,它通常用于管理和并行运行分布式计算任务,特别是在Linux环境下。当你看到这个命令行组合:
mpirun -r ssh -genv I_MPI_PIN_PROCESSOR_LIST bunch -n 16 gmx_mpi mdrun -s em.tpr -deffnm em
其中`mpirun`是一个MPI(Message Passing Interface)启动程序,它用于在分布式环境中执行并行任务。`-r ssh`选项表示mpiexec将通过SSH(Secure Shell)协议远程连接到各个节点。`I_MPI_PIN_PROCESSOR_LIST bunch`指定了处理器的绑定策略(在这个例子中是bunch模式),`-n 16`表示使用16个进程。
`gmx_mpi`可能是GROMACS(一种分子动力学模拟软件)的一个并行版本,`mdrun`是GROMACS的核心运行程序。`-s em.tpr`指定输入坐标文件,`-deffnm em`则是设置默认的工作目录和输出文件前缀。
[root@localhost melt]# mpirun -np 4 /zc/lammps-28Mar2023/lmp_mpi -in in.melt [proxy:0:0@localhost.localdomain] HYDU_create_process (lib/utils/launch.c:73): execvp error on file /zc/lammps-28Mar2023/lmp_mpi (No such file or directory) [proxy:0:0@localhost.localdomain] HYDU_create_process (lib/utils/launch.c:73): execvp error on file /zc/lammps-28Mar2023/lmp_mpi (No such file or directory) [proxy:0:0@localhost.localdomain] HYDU_create_process (lib/utils/launch.c:73): execvp error on file /zc/lammps-28Mar2023/lmp_mpi (No such file or directory) [proxy:0:0@localhost.localdomain] HYDU_create_process (lib/utils/launch.c:73): execvp error on file /zc/lammps-28Mar2023/lmp_mpi (No such file or directory)
ls -l /zc/lammps-28Mar2023/lmp_mpi
chmod +x /zc/lammps-28Mar2023/lmp_mpi
for d in $(ls | grep ENCUT); do cd $d ; mpirun -np 2 vasp_std ; cd .. ; done
This is a command used to run VASP (Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package) calculations in multiple directories.
- `for d in $(ls | grep ENCUT)` - This line loops through all directories in the current directory that contain the string "ENCUT" in their name.
- `do cd $d` - This line changes the current directory to the directory being looped over.
- `mpirun -np 2 vasp_std` - This line runs the VASP calculation using two processors with the standard VASP executable.
- `cd ..` - This line changes the current directory back to the parent directory.
- `done` - This line ends the loop.
So, in summary, the command runs VASP calculations in all directories that contain the string "ENCUT" in their name, using two processors for each calculation.