SHELL find
时间: 2023-11-25 07:38:17 浏览: 93
`find` 是一个非常常用的 shell 命令,用于在文件系统中查找文件和目录。它的语法如下:
find [路径] [表达式]
其中,`路径` 指定要查找的起始目录,默认为当前工作目录。`表达式` 用于指定查找的条件。
例如,如果要在当前目录及其子目录中查找所有扩展名为 ".txt" 的文件,可以使用以下命令:
find . -name "*.txt"
这里的 `.` 表示当前目录,`-name "*.txt"` 表示要查找文件名以 ".txt" 结尾的文件。
`find` 命令还有许多其他选项和用法,可以根据自己的需求进行进一步的学习和探索。
shell find
"find" 是 Linux 和 Unix 系统中的命令行工具, 用于在文件系统中查找文件。它可以根据文件名、文件类型、文件大小、文件权限等条件来查找文件。例如, 你可以使用 "find / -name file.txt" 命令在根目录下查找文件名为 "file.txt" 的文件。
shell find exec
The `find` command in shell is used to search for files or directories in a specified location based on certain criteria, such as name, size, type, and date modified. The `exec` option is used with the `find` command to execute a command or a script on each file or directory that matches the search criteria.
The basic syntax of the `find` command with `exec` option is as follows:
find /path/to/search -name "filename" -exec command {} \;
Here, `/path/to/search` is the location where the search is to be performed, `filename` is the name of the file or directory to be searched for, `command` is the command or script to be executed on each matching file or directory, and `{}` is a placeholder that represents the name of each matching file or directory.
For example, to search for all files with extension `.txt` in the current directory and execute the `ls` command on each file, the following command can be used:
find . -name "*.txt" -exec ls {} \;
This command will list all the `.txt` files in the current directory and its subdirectories.