python中import re
时间: 2024-06-13 19:09:52 浏览: 157
import re
Python中import re是什么
`import re` 是 Python 中用于正则表达式(Regular Expression)操作的标准库之一。正则表达式是一种强大的文本处理工具,能够描述、匹配和搜索字符串中的模式。通过 `re` 模块,Python 提供了函数和类来进行诸如查找、替换、分割字符串等高级文本操作。
在 Python 中,你可以使用 `re` 模块中的函数如 `search()`, `match()`, `findall()` 和 `sub()` 等,以及特殊的类 `Pattern` 和 `RegexObject` 来工作。例如,你可以创建一个模式来检查一个字符串是否符合某种模式,或者从复杂的数据中提取你需要的信息。
import re
# 使用 search 查找特定模式
text = "Hello, my name is John Doe."
pattern = r"my name is \w+"
match =, text)
if match:
print("Found:", # 输出 "Found: John Doe"
# 使用 findall 找到所有匹配项
emails = ","
email_pattern = r"\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,}\b"
matches = re.findall(email_pattern, emails)
print(matches) # 输出 ["", ""]
Python import re
The "re" module in Python stands for Regular Expression. It provides support for regular expressions in Python programming language. The module allows you to work with regular expressions in Python by providing various functions and methods.
Here are some common functions and methods of the "re" module:
1. re.compile(): This function is used to compile a regular expression pattern into a regular expression object.
2. This method is used to search a string for a match to a regular expression pattern. It returns a match object if the pattern is found, otherwise it returns None.
3. re.findall(): This method is used to find all occurrences of a regular expression pattern in a string. It returns a list of strings that match the pattern.
4. re.sub(): This method is used to replace all occurrences of a regular expression pattern in a string with a new string.
5. re.split(): This method is used to split a string into a list of substrings using a regular expression pattern as the delimiter.
Overall, the "re" module is a powerful tool for working with regular expressions in Python programming language.