时间: 2024-09-12 17:02:17 浏览: 53
import numpy as np
# 定义地图数组
map_array = np.array([[0, 1, np.inf, np.inf],
[1, 0, np.inf, 2],
[np.inf, np.inf, 1, np.inf],
[np.inf, 2, np.inf, 0]])
# 垃圾站和小区的位置
garbage_station = (0, 0)
neighborhoods = [(0, 2), (1, 0)]
# 创建一个表示距离的数组,初始化为无穷大
distances = np.full_like(map_array, np.inf)
# 设置起点(垃圾站)的距离为0
distances[garbage_station] = 0
# 使用宽度优先搜索(BFS)
visited = np.zeros_like(distances, dtype=bool)
queue = [(garbage_station, 0)] # 用元组存储坐标和距离
while queue:
current_pos, distance = queue.pop(0)
if visited[current_pos]: # 如果已经访问过,则跳过
visited[current_pos] = True
for neighbor in [(i, j) for i in range(-1, 2) for j in range(-1, 2) if abs(i) + abs(j) == 1]:
next_pos = (current_pos[0] + neighbor[0], current_pos[1] + neighbor[1])
if 0 <= next_pos[0] < map_array.shape[0] and 0 <= next_pos[1] < map_array.shape[1]:
if map_array[next_pos] != np.inf and not visited[next_pos]:
# 只有邻居是小区并且没有遇到障碍才更新距离
new_distance = distance + map_array[next_pos]
if new_distance < distances[next_pos]:
distances[next_pos] = new_distance
queue.append((next_pos, new_distance))
# 找出两个小区的最短距离
shortest_path = np.min([distances[i] + map_array[i] for i in neighborhoods]) if any(distances[neighborhoods]) else None
print("小区到垃圾站的最小路径长度:", shortest_path)