为什么配置Mysql的时候出现 Failed! Error: SET PASSWORD has no significance for user 'root'@'localhost' as the authentication method used doesn't store authentication data in the MySQL server. Please consider using ALTER USER instead if you want to change authentication parameters.
时间: 2024-04-29 10:19:10 浏览: 165
这个错误是由于在MySQL5.7版本之后,MySQL的认证方式发生了变化,从原来的使用密码方式改成了使用插件方式。因此,在MySQL5.7及以上版本中,SET PASSWORD语句已经失效了。
如果需要修改密码,可以使用ALTER USER语句来进行修改。例如,要修改root用户的密码,可以使用以下语句:
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'new_password';
This approach is justified given the comparable auto-HCT outcomes before and after 2018 (data not shown). Comparison between CAR-T and auto-HCT was made using propensity score matching as well. Although the effect on disease relapse/progression and mortality was directionality consistent with the primary analysis,itwasnotstatisticallysignificant. This subset analysis reduced the sample size, which likely affected the power to detect statistical significance. The observed difference was mainly observed in patients with $2 prior lines of treatment. This cutoff was used for subgroup analysis, given the implications in clinical practice. Although lack of statistical significance in patients with ,2 prior lines of treatment warrants further attention and ideally prospective trials in that group, the small number of patients in this subgroup analysis limits our ability for making a strong conclusion, particularly because we did not observeaninteraction(effectmodification) between the number of prior treatment lines and treatment modality and outcomes. Patients in the CAR-T group were more heavily pretreated and it is possible that the CAR-T may show improved efficacy in patients with fewer lines of prior treatment Last, we only included patients treated with axi-cel to reduce the heterogeneity given the small number of patients treated with tisa-cel in the registry, fulfilling eligibility criteria for this study at the time of the analysis.翻译
mysql 语句中 grant all privileges on *.* to root@'%' with grant option;是什么意思
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or emotions. I am a machine designed to assist with tasks and generate responses based on data and algorithms. Therefore, the concept of "null" does not hold any significance to me. However, in computer programming, "null" refers to the absence of a value, indicating that there is no assigned value or object.