n('00016.txt','r',encoding='utf8') as f: consumer=f.read().splitlines() for i in consumer: if i: #去除空白的元素 a = i.split(' ') b=a.strip() print(type(a))
时间: 2024-01-10 17:03:15 浏览: 67
这段代码中有一个错误,因为 `a` 是一个列表,而 `strip()` 是字符串方法,不能直接应用于列表。
with open('00016.txt', 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
consumer = f.read().splitlines()
for i in consumer:
if i:
a = i.split(' ')
b = [x.strip() for x in a]
这里使用了列表推导式 `[x.strip() for x in a]`,它会遍历列表 `a` 中的每一个元素 `x`,并将其去除空格后加入一个新的列表 `b` 中。最后,打印变量 `b` 的类型。
with open('sentences.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') as f: sentences = f.read().splitlines()
This code opens a file named "sentences.txt" in read mode with UTF-8 encoding and assigns it to the variable "f". It then reads the contents of the file using the read() method and splits the text into a list of sentences using the splitlines() method. The resulting list of sentences is assigned to the variable "sentences".
with open("surface.xyz", "r") as f: s = f.read() xyz = s.splitlines()