那full persuation是什么
时间: 2023-07-03 21:33:08 浏览: 133
Full persuasion是指在沟通过程中,说服者能够完全地改变接受者的态度或行为。这种说服通常需要说服者提出充分的证据和论据,同时采用恰当的沟通技巧和策略,使接受者认同和接受说服者的观点或行为。在市场营销和广告领域,full persuasion通常指的是通过广告和宣传活动来完全改变消费者的态度和行为,例如购买某个产品或服务。在政治和社会领域,full persuasion也常用于实现特定的政策目标和社会变革,例如改变公众对某个议题的态度或行为。然而,full persuasion通常很难实现,因为接受者的认知和行为往往受到多种因素的影响。
optimal persuasion是什么意思
Optimal persuasion是指通过最优化的方式来进行说服,即在给定的情况下,通过采用最佳的策略和方法,尽可能地影响和说服受众。在营销和广告领域,optimal persuasion通常指的是通过精细的目标定位、信息传递和心理学策略等手段,来最大限度地提高受众的接受度和响应率。在政治和社会领域,optimal persuasion也经常被用来设计和实施有效的公共传播和社会宣传活动,以达到特定的目标和影响力。
We consider a persuasion problem between a sender and a receiver where utility may be nonlinear in the latter’s belief; we call such receivers risk conscious. Such utility models arise when the receiver exhibits systematic biases away from expected utility maximization, such as uncertainty aversion (e.g., from sensitivity to the variance of the waiting time for a service). Because of this nonlinearity, the standard approach to finding the optimal persuasion mechanism using revelation principle fails. To overcome this difficulty, we use the underlying geometry of the problem to develop a convex optimization framework to find the optimal persuasion mechanism. We define the notion of full persuasion and use our framework to characterize conditions under which full persuasion can be achieved. We use our approach to study binary persuasion, where the receiver has two actions and the sender strictly prefers one of them at every state. Under a convexity assumption, we show that the binary persuasion problem reduces to a linear program and establish a canonical set of signals where each signal either reveals the state or induces in the receiver uncertainty between two states. Finally, we discuss the broader applicability of our methods to more general contexts, and we illustrate our methodology by studying information sharing of waiting times in service systems翻译一下