The literal interpretation of risk consciousness is that the agent’s behavior deviates systematically from expected utility maximization. Such deviations are well documented in the literature; we provide a few examples in Table 1 and discuss them in Online Appendix F. For instance, an agent with uncertainty aversion may be modeled using meanstandard deviation utility. Thus, there is a need to develop a theory for the persuasion of such agents, both to better capture realistic behavior in operational settings and to gain qualitative insights into phenomena that do not arise with EUM receivers.谈一下你对这段话的理解
时间: 2024-02-14 19:08:21 浏览: 81
The SQL statement you provided is a SELECT statement that includes a hardcoded value "25岁以下" as a column alias "age_cut". In SQL, SELECT statements are used to retrieve data from a database table or tables. The statement begins with the SELECT keyword, followed by a comma-separated list of column names, expressions, or literals to be retrieved. In this case, "25岁以下" is a literal value that is being assigned to the column alias "age_cut". Column aliases are used to rename a column or to give a temporary name to a column in the result set of a query. Aliases are specified using the AS keyword, although it's optional. In this case, the alias "age_cut" is being used to give a more descriptive name to the returned value "25岁以下" for better readability of the query result. 翻译成中文
你提供的 SQL 语句是一个 SELECT 语句,其中包含硬编码的值 "25岁以下" 作为列别名 "age_cut"。
在 SQL 中,SELECT 语句用于从数据库表或表中检索数据。语句以 SELECT 关键字开头,后面跟着一个由逗号分隔的列名、表达式或字面量列表,用于检索数据。在这种情况下,"25岁以下" 是一个字面量值,被分配给列别名 "age_cut"。
列别名用于重命名列或为查询结果集中的列给予临时名称。别名使用 AS 关键字指定,但它是可选的。在这种情况下,别名 "age_cut" 被用于为返回的值 "25岁以下" 给出一个更描述性的名称,以便更好地阅读查询结果。
java The literal 10649882361 of type int is out of range
这个错误是因为你使用了一个超出 int 类型表示范围的整数字面量。int 类型可以表示的最大值为 2,147,483,647,而你使用的整数字面量 10649882361 超出了这个范围。
为了解决这个问题,你可以将该整数字面量转换成 long 类型,例如:
long num = 10649882361L;
在整数字面量的后面加上 L 或 l 标记,表示该字面量是一个 long 类型的值。这样就可以避免出现上述错误。