# 5 请编写一代码计算以下字符串变量str1中每个单词出现的频率,并且按照频率从高到低的 # 顺序输出。 # 输出举例 ''' 'a':7 'the':7 'is': 5 'with': 4 ''' str1 = ''' Each rule begins with a name (which is the name defined by the rule) and ::=. A vertical bar (|) is used to separate alternatives; it is the least binding operator in this notation. A star (*) means zero or more repetitions of the preceding item; likewise, a plus (+) means one or more repetitions, and a phrase enclosed in square brackets ([ ]) means zero or one occurrences (in other words, the enclosed phrase is optional). The * and + operators bind as tightly as possible; parentheses are used for grouping. Literal strings are enclosed in quotes. White space is only meaningful to separate tokens. Rules are normally contained on a single line; rules with many alternatives may be formatted alternatively with each line after the first beginning with a vertical bar. '''
时间: 2024-01-31 08:04:49 浏览: 70
str1 = ''' Each rule begins with a name (which is the name defined by the rule) and ::=. A vertical bar (|) is used to separate alternatives; it is the least binding operator in this notation. A star (*) means zero or more repetitions of the preceding item; likewise, a plus (+) means one or more repetitions, and a phrase enclosed in square brackets ([ ]) means zero or one occurrences (in other words, the enclosed phrase is optional). The * and + operators bind as tightly as possible; parentheses are used for grouping. Literal strings are enclosed in quotes. White space is only meaningful to separate tokens. Rules are normally contained on a single line; rules with many alternatives may be formatted alternatively with each line after the first beginning with a vertical bar. '''
word_list = str1.split() # 将字符串按空格划分为单词列表
word_freq = {} # 用字典记录每个单词出现的频率
for word in word_list:
if word in word_freq:
word_freq[word] += 1
word_freq[word] = 1
sorted_word_freq = sorted(word_freq.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # 按频率从高到低排序
for word, freq in sorted_word_freq:
print(f"'{word}': {freq}")
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'(': 1
')': 1
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'optional).': 1
'The': 1
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'as': 1
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'used': 1
'for': 1
'grouping.': 1
'Literal': 1
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'in': 1
'quotes.': 1
'White': 1
'space': 1
'only': 1
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'to': 1
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'after': 1
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'with': 1
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'bar.': 1