汇编语言 统计给定数据区内的英文字母、英文单词(连续字母串:字 母开始、非字母结束)和行数。
时间: 2023-07-15 11:10:47 浏览: 237
以下是使用 x86 汇编语言实现的统计给定数据区内的英文字母、英文单词和行数的示例代码:
section .data
input db "Hello, world! This is a sample text. It has multiple lines.", 0
input_len equ $ - input
section .bss
alpha_count resd 26
word_count resd 1
line_count resd 1
section .text
global _start
; Initialize variables
xor ecx, ecx ; ECX will be used as a counter
mov ebx, 0 ; EBX will be used to store the current word length
mov edx, input_len ; EDX will be used as a counter for the input string
; Loop through the input string
mov esi, input ; ESI will be used as a pointer to the current character
; Check if the current character is a letter
mov al, byte [esi]
cmp al, 65
jb next_char
cmp al, 90
ja lower_case_check
; If the current character is an uppercase letter, increment the corresponding count
sub al, 65
inc dword [alpha_count + eax * 4]
jmp next_char
cmp al, 97
jb next_char
cmp al, 122
ja next_char
; If the current character is a lowercase letter, increment the corresponding count
sub al, 97
inc dword [alpha_count + eax * 4]
; Check if the current character is a non-letter (word delimiter)
cmp al, 65
jb next_line
cmp al, 90
ja lower_case_word_check
; If the current character is an uppercase letter, increment the word length counter
inc ebx
jmp next_char_end
cmp al, 97
jb next_line
cmp al, 122
ja next_line
; If the current character is a lowercase letter, increment the word length counter
inc ebx
; Check if the current character is a non-letter (word delimiter)
cmp al, 65
jb reset_word_counter
cmp al, 90
ja lower_case_word_end_check
; If the current character is an uppercase letter, continue to the next character
jmp next_char
cmp al, 97
jb reset_word_counter
cmp al, 122
ja reset_word_counter
; If the current character is a lowercase letter, continue to the next character
jmp next_char
; Reset the word length counter and increment the word count
mov ebx, 0
inc dword [word_count]
; Check if the current character is a line break
cmp al, 10
jne next_char_line_check
; If the current character is a line break, increment the line count
inc dword [line_count]
; Decrement the input string counter and check if we have reached the end of the string
dec edx
jnz loop_input
; Output the results
mov ecx, 26 ; ECX will be used as a counter for the alphabet
mov esi, alpha_count ; ESI will be used as a pointer to the alphabet count
mov edi, 65 ; EDI will be used as a pointer to the current alphabet letter
; Output the current alphabet letter and count
mov eax, dword [esi]
push eax ; Save the count on the stack
push edi ; Save the letter on the stack
mov eax, 4 ; System call for writing to STDOUT
mov ebx, 1 ; File descriptor for STDOUT
mov ecx, esp ; Pointer to the letter and count on the stack
mov edx, 2 ; Number of bytes to write (letter and count)
int 0x80 ; Call the system call
add esp, 8 ; Clean up the stack
; Continue to the next alphabet letter
inc esi
inc edi
loop output_alpha_loop
; Output the word count and line count
mov eax, dword [word_count]
push eax ; Save the word count on the stack
mov eax, dword [line_count]
push eax ; Save the line count on the stack
mov eax, 4 ; System call for writing to STDOUT
mov ebx, 1 ; File descriptor for STDOUT
mov ecx, esp ; Pointer to the word count and line count on the stack
mov edx, 8 ; Number of bytes to write (word count and line count)
int 0x80 ; Call the system call
add esp, 8 ; Clean up the stack
; Exit the program
xor eax, eax ; Return value (0)
mov ebx, 1 ; System call for exit
int 0x80 ; Call the system call
该程序使用数据区定义输入字符串,以及使用 BSS 区定义需要统计的变量(字母计数、单词计数和行数计数)。程序首先初始化变量,然后通过循环遍历输入字符串。对于每个字符,程序将检查它是否为字母,并根据需要增加字母计数器。程序还将检查字符是否为单词分隔符,并根据需要增加单词计数器。程序还将检查字符是否为换行符,并根据需要增加行数计数器。最后,程序输出字母计数、单词计数和行数计数。