时间: 2024-08-29 13:03:42 浏览: 195
`kron` 是 MATLAB 中用于计算两个数组的克罗内克积(Kronecker product)的函数。克罗内克积是一种矩阵运算,它将两个矩阵 A 和 B 变成一个新的矩阵 C,其中 C 的每个元素都是 A 中对应元素和 B 的克罗内克积。
具体来说,如果 A 是一个 m×n 的矩阵,B 是一个 p×q 的矩阵,那么它们的克罗内克积 C 将是一个 (m*p)×(n*q) 的矩阵,其形式如下:
C = [ A(1,1)*B A(1,2)*B ... A(1,n)*B;
A(2,1)*B A(2,2)*B ... A(2,n)*B;
... ... ... ...;
A(m,1)*B A(m,2)*B ... A(m,n)*B ]
每个 A 中的元素都与 B 进行矩阵乘法,然后将结果按顺序排列在 C 中。
matlab kron
The kron() function in MATLAB performs the Kronecker tensor product of two matrices. The Kronecker tensor product is a mathematical operation that combines two matrices in a specific way to create a larger matrix.
C = kron(A,B)
where A and B are matrices of any size, and C is the result of the Kronecker tensor product of A and B.
Let's say we have two matrices A and B:
A = [1 2; 3 4]
B = [5 6; 7 8]
The Kronecker tensor product of A and B can be computed using the kron() function:
C = kron(A, B)
The resulting matrix C will be:
C = [5 6 10 12; 7 8 14 16; 15 18 20 24; 21 24 28 32]
Here, the size of matrix C is the product of the sizes of A and B, i.e., 4x4. The elements of C are obtained by multiplying each element of A with the entire matrix B.
matlab kron是什么意思
Matlab中的kron函数是用来计算两个矩阵的Kronecker积的函数。Kronecker积是将两个矩阵按照一定规则相乘得到的新矩阵。具体来说,kron函数将矩阵A和矩阵B的每一个元素相乘,然后将结果按照一定规则填充到一个新的矩阵中。kron函数的使用格式为:C = kron(A,B),其中A和B为要相乘的两个矩阵,C为它们的Kronecker积矩阵。