时间: 2023-09-13 16:09:29 浏览: 209
function [out] = deRain(image)
% convert to YCbCr color space
img_ycbcr = rgb2ycbcr(image);
% extract Y channel
img_Y = img_ycbcr(:, :, 1);
% calculate the average of neighboring pixels
kernel = ones(3, 3) / 9;
img_Y_avg = imfilter(img_Y, kernel);
% calculate the difference image
img_diff = img_Y - img_Y_avg;
% normalize the difference image
img_diff_norm = mat2gray(img_diff);
% apply a threshold to the normalized difference image
threshold = graythresh(img_diff_norm);
img_diff_binary = im2bw(img_diff_norm, threshold);
% fill in the holes in the binary image
img_diff_filled = imfill(img_diff_binary, 'holes');
% apply a median filter to the filled binary image
img_diff_median = medfilt2(img_diff_filled, [3, 3]);
% invert the binary image
img_diff_inverted = ~img_diff_median;
% apply the binary mask to the original image
out = image;
out(:, :, 1) = img_diff_inverted .* img_Y + ~img_diff_inverted .* img_Y_avg;
out = ycbcr2rgb(out);
1. 将输入图像转换为YCbCr颜色空间。
2. 从YCbCr图像中提取Y通道。
3. 计算邻近像素的平均值。
4. 计算差分图像。
5. 对差分图像进行归一化处理。
6. 对归一化的差分图像应用阈值。
7. 填补二进制图像中的孔洞。
8. 对填充的二进制图像应用中值滤波器。
9. 反转二进制图像。
10. 将二进制掩模应用于原始图像。
11. 将输出图像转换回RGB颜色空间。