时间: 2023-11-21 11:24:34 浏览: 177
1. IEEE Std 830-1998,IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications
2. Karl Wiegers and Joy Beatty,Software Requirements, 3rd Edition: Effective Requirements Development,2013
3. Dean Leffingwell,Agile Software Requirements: Lean Requirements Practices for Teams, Programs, and the Enterprise,2011
4. Suzanne Robertson and James Robertson,Mastering the Requirements Process, 3rd Edition,2012
5. Gerald Weinberg,Exploring Requirements: Quality Before Design,1994
6. Craig Larman,Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development,3rd Edition,2004
7. Mike Cohn,User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development,2004
8. Alistair Cockburn,Writing Effective Use Cases,2000