Use of undeclared identifier 'Qt3DAnimation'
时间: 2023-10-09 22:08:56 浏览: 116
This error message usually occurs when you are trying to use the Qt3DAnimation module in your Qt application, but you have not included it in your project file or you have not installed it on your system.
To solve this issue, you should add the following line to your project file (.pro file):
QT += 3danimation
This will tell Qt to include the Qt3DAnimation module in your application. If you have already added this line to your project file and are still getting the error message, you should check that you have installed the Qt3DAnimation module on your system. You can do this by checking your Qt installation or by installing the module using Qt's installer or package manager.
Qt 开发软件过程中 出现了Use of undeclared identifier 'Qt3DAnimation'
QT += 3danimation
qt use of undeclared identifier
"qt use of undeclared identifier" 的意思是 "qt 使用了未声明的标识符",通常是因为代码中使用了未定义的变量、函数或类等标识符,导致编译器无法识别。需要检查代码中是否存在拼写错误、变量名或函数名是否正确等问题,以解决该错误。