Assembling the following assembly program first by hand and then verify your result using the assembler. Write a report describe the assembling process. Your report file should include the symbol table and the machine code in binary for the assembly code and other related information to describe the assembling process. 01 ; 02 ; Program to multiply an integer by the constant 6. 03; Before execution, an integer must be stored in NUMBER . 04; 05 . ORIG x3050 06 LD Rl,SIX LD R2 , NUMBER 08 AND R3,R3,#0 ; Clear R3. It will 09 ; contain the product . 0A ; The inner loop 0B; 0C AGAIN ADD R3,R3,R2 0D ADD R1,R1,#-1 ; R1 keeps track of 0E BRp AGAIN ; the iterations 0F ; 10 HALT 11. ; 12 NUMBER . BLKW 1 13 SIX . FILL x0006 14; 15 . END
时间: 2023-07-15 19:14:16 浏览: 328
| 符号 | 地址 |
| SIX | x3060 |
| NUMBER | x3061 |
x3050: 2001 3060 LD R1, SIX
x3051: 2042 3061 LD R2, NUMBER
x3052: 5263 0000 AND R3, R3, #0
x3053: 1C02 ADD R3, R3, R2
x3054: 1461 ADD R1, R1, #-1
x3055: 0800 BRp AGAIN
x3056: F800 HALT
x3057: 0000 NOP
x3058: 0000 NOP
x3059: 0000 NOP
x3060: 0006 SIX .FILL x0006
x3061: 0000 NUMBER .BLKW 1
Symbol Table:
SIX x3060
NUMBER x3061
Assembly Listing:
Address Code Labels Mnemonics
------- ---- ------ ---------
x3050 2001 * LD R1, SIX
x3051 2042 * LD R2, NUMBER
x3052 5263 * AND R3, R3, #0
x3053 1C02 * ADD R3, R3, R2
x3054 1461 * ADD R1, R1, #-1
x3055 0800 * BRp AGAIN
x3056 F800 * HALT
x3057 0000 * NOP
x3058 0000 * NOP
x3059 0000 * NOP
x3060 0006 SIX .FILL x0006
x3061 0000 NUMBER .BLKW 1
Object Code:
3050 2001 3051 2042 3052 5263 3053 1C02
3054 1461 3055 0800 3056 F800 3057 0000
3058 0000 3059 0000 3060 0006 3061 0000