时间: 2024-09-13 15:04:45 浏览: 81
from skimage import io, measure
import numpy as np
def pixel_similarity(image1_path, image2_path):
# 读取图片
img1 = io.imread(image1_path, as_gray=True) > 0 # 将灰度图转换为二值图
img2 = io.imread(image2_path, as_gray=True) > 0
# 检查是否都是二进制图像(全黑或全白)
if not np.all(img1) or not np.all(img2):
raise ValueError("Both images must be binary (black and white).")
# 计算每个图像的轮廓
contours1 = measure.find_contours(img1, 0.5)
contours2 = measure.find_contours(img2, 0.5)
# 对应像素点集合
pixel_positions1 = [(c[:, 0], c[:, 1]) for c in contours1]
pixel_positions2 = [(c[:, 0], c[:, 1]) for c in contours2]
# 相似度可以是基于两个点集的距离(如Jaccard相似度或hausdorff距离),或者形状匹配(例如使用轮廓面积比)
similarity = jaccard_index(pixel_positions1, pixel_positions2)
return similarity
def jaccard_index(points1, points2):
intersection = set(zip(*points1)).intersection(set(zip(*points2)))
union = set(zip(*points1)).union(set(zip(*points2)))
return len(intersection) / len(union)
# 使用函数并打印结果
similarity = pixel_similarity('image1.png', 'image2.png')
print(f"Similarity between the two images: {similarity}")