thinking in java纯英文版目录
时间: 2023-08-01 15:03:11 浏览: 246
《Thinking in Java》是由Bruce Eckel撰写的一本Java编程的经典教材,该书以英文语言出版。以下是该书的目录大纲:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Objects
- Introduction
- The progress of abstraction
- How objects communicate
- Every object has an interface
- The process of object-oriented design
- Implementation hiding
- Inheritance and reuse
- Polymorphism and dynamic binding
- Summary of object-oriented principles
Chapter 2: Everything Is an Object
- Primitive types
- How the objects are created
- Aliasing: All arguments are passed by value
- Documentation comments
- Controlling access to members of a class
- First exposure to Java syntax
Chapter 3: Operators
- Thinking recursively
- Operator precedence
- Assignment with objects
- Mathematical operators and precedence
- Autoboxing and unboxing
- Increment and decrement
- Java logic operators
- Bitwise operators
- The instanceof operator
- Summary of operators
Chapter 4: Control Structures: Part 1
- True and false
- The if-else statement
- The switch statement
- The while statement
- The do-while statement
- The for statement
- Summary of control structures
Chapter 5: Control Structures: Part 2
- The break and continue keywords
- Foreach and multidimensional arrays
- Using the comma operator
- The return keyword
- Summary of control structures
Chapter 6: Initialization & Cleanup
- Member initialization
- Constructor initialization
- Method overloading & generic methods
- Order of initialization
- Constructor & parameter lists
- Garbage collection
- The finalize() method
- Summary of initialization and cleanup