using dataset:grazing of R,1.Fit the Poisson GLM again without identified influential points.2.Produce the plots of residuals against transformation of fitted values for the three models, and evaluated the models
时间: 2024-03-23 12:42:58 浏览: 66
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To fit a Poisson GLM to the grazing dataset in R without identified influential points, you can use the following code:
# Load the dataset
# Fit Poisson GLM without identified influential points
model <- glm(count ~ log(area) + management + period, data = grazing,
family = poisson)
# Print summary of the model
To produce plots of residuals against transformation of fitted values for the three models, you can use the following code:
# Plot residuals against fitted values for the Poisson GLM
plot(model, which = 1)
# Plot square root of absolute residuals against fitted values for the Poisson GLM
plot(model, which = 2)
# Plot normalized residuals against fitted values for the Poisson GLM
plot(model, which = 3)
To evaluate the models, you can look at the goodness-of-fit measures such as the deviance and the AIC. Lower values of deviance and AIC indicate better fit. You can also use diagnostic plots to check for any patterns or outliers in the residuals. Additionally, you can use hypothesis tests and confidence intervals to assess the significance of the model coefficients and make inferences about the population parameters.