ssh session timeout
时间: 2023-09-25 17:12:48 浏览: 74
SSH session timeout refers to the amount of time that a SSH session remains active before the server automatically logs the user out due to inactivity. The default SSH session timeout is usually set to 15 minutes, but this can vary depending on the system administrator's configuration. The purpose of session timeout is to ensure that inactive sessions are closed to prevent unauthorized access and to conserve system resources. To avoid being logged out due to SSH session timeout, users can periodically enter a command or press a key to keep the session active. Alternatively, users can adjust the timeout value by modifying the server's configuration settings.
#ifndef DISABLE_LIBSSH if (session->ssh_chan != NULL) { /* we are getting data from libssh's channel */ status = ssh_channel_poll_timeout(session->ssh_chan, timeout, 0); if (status > 0) { revents = POLLIN; } } else #endif #ifdef ENABLE_TLS if (session->tls != NULL) { /* we are getting data from TLS session using OpenSSL */ fds.fd = SSL_get_fd(session->tls); = POLLIN; fds.revents = 0; status = poll(&fds, 1, timeout); revents = (unsigned long int) fds.revents; } else #endif
这段代码是一个网络库的代码,主要是用于从网络通道中读取数据。其中,该代码使用了条件编译,根据是否定义了DISABLE_LIBSSH和ENABLE_TLS宏来选择不同的代码路径。当DISABLE_LIBSSH宏被定义时,该代码段会从libssh的channel中获取数据;当ENABLE_TLS宏被定义时,该代码段会从OpenSSL的TLS session中获取数据。poll函数会等待timeout时间,直到有数据可读或者等待超时返回。如果有数据可读,则将revents设置为POLLIN表示有数据可读。
[SSH] Exception:Session.connect: Read timed out
1. 检查网络连接是否正常,确保你的计算机可以正常访问SSH服务器。
2. 检查SSH服务器是否正常运行,确保SSH服务已经启动并且监听在正确的端口上。
3. 增加连接超时时间,你可以在连接SSH服务器时增加超时时间,以便等待服务器响应。你可以在代码中修改timeout参数的值,或者在SSH客户端中设置连接超时时间。
4. 检查防火墙设置,有时候防火墙会阻止SSH连接,你需要检查防火墙设置并允许SSH连接通过。
5. 检查SSH服务器配置,有时候SSH服务器的配置可能会导致连接超时错误,你需要检查SSH服务器的配置并进行相应的修改。