How to Perform SSH Connection in MobaXterm

发布时间: 2024-09-14 23:34:42 阅读量: 30 订阅数: 32


# How to Establish an SSH Connection in MobaXterm In today's heavily internet-dependent world, Secure Shell (SSH) has become an incredibly important networking protocol. SSH ensures the security of communications through encryption technologies, preventing information leaks and other issues. The working principle of SSH is based on a public-key encryption authentication mechanism, establishing an encrypted communication channel between the client and the server. With SSH, we can securely connect to other computer systems remotely, execute commands, transfer files, and more. SSH not only provides secure connections but also enhances the convenience of connections, making remote management tasks more efficient and user-friendly. Thus, understanding the principles of SSH and why it should be used is crucial for network administrators. # Preparation Work Before establishing an SSH connection, certain preparations must be made to ensure a smooth connection. This includes obtaining the IP address and port information of the remote server and ensuring that the local network connection is open. ### 2.1 Obtaining the IP Address and Port of the Remote Server Before using SSH to connect to a remote server, it is essential to know the server's IP address and port number, as this is the basis for establishing the connection. #### 2.1.1 How to Obtain the Remote Server's IP Address - Obtain from the server provider or administrator - Find on the local router or network devices - Use command-line tools (like `ping`) to test connectivity and retrieve the IP address #### 2.1.2 How to Determine the Remote Server's Port Number - SSH uses port 22 by default - Check in the SSH configuration or server settings - Confirm port information with the administrator or server provider ### 2.2 Ensure a Clear Local Network Connection Before connecting to a remote server, you must ensure that the local network is clear to avoid any unnecessary issues during the connection process. #### 2.2.1 Check the Local Network Connectivity - Ensure the local network adapter is turned on and functioning properly - Use network testing tools (such as `ping`, `traceroute`) to test the local network and DNS resolution - Clear network caches and restart network devices #### 2.2.2 Firewall Settings - Check local firewall settings to ensure the SSH connection port is open - Allow SSH traffic through the firewall - Ensure local security software does not block SSH connections The above preparations are vital before establishing an SSH connection, ensuring you have the IP address and port information of the remote server and that the local network connection is clear. # Setting Up SSH Connection Setting up
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