The LULC simulation data we utilized to create future EN maps was produced by X. Liu et al. (2017), which was conducted at the national level. The reason we apply national-level simulated data to a local area is as follows. Firstly, China has a top-down land use planning system (also known as spatial planning) with five levels. The quantitative objectives in national plans are handed down to county-level plans through provincial and prefectural level plans (Zhong et al., 2014). That means land use patterns of nine cities in WUA are required to reflect relevant upper-level plans, for example, to satisfy the land use quota made by Hubei provincial plans and the national plans. Secondly, there are interdependencies across places so what happens in one region produces effects not only on this location but on other regions (Overman et al., 2010). And the increase of construction land in one place will shift protection pressure on natural ecosystems elsewhere for a sustainable goal. The land use simulation at the national level allocated land resources from a top-down perspective and links land use changes in a region to events taking place in other locations through global simulation. However, the Kappa coefficient of the simulated data in WUA is 0.55 and the overall accuracy is 0.71, which is lower than the statistic value at the national-level data. Although the Kappa between 0.4~0.6 is moderate and at an acceptable level (Appiah et al., 2015; Ding et al., 2013; Ku, 2016), the simulated accuracy of the land use data needs to be improved. Future work on exploring the impact of LULC dynamics on EN will develop based on the high-accuracy simulated data and updating the initial simulated time to 2020, by integrating the impacts of socioeconomic factors, climate change, regional planning, land use policy, etc.
时间: 2023-03-14 11:12:53 浏览: 185
写一个python文件读取每个变量里的type &Data_type TYPE='GRID' / &LULC TYPE='LULC_USGS' / &URBAN TYPE='URBANON' /
def read_variable_types(file_path):
types = {}
current_variable = None
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('&'):
current_variable = line.strip('&').strip()
types[current_variable] = None
elif line.startswith('TYPE='):
type_value = line.split('=')[1].strip("'")
types[current_variable] = type_value
return types
file_path = 'your_file_path.txt'
variable_types = read_variable_types(file_path)
for variable, data_type in variable_types.items():
print(f"Variable: {variable}, Type: {data_type}")
这段代码定义了一个名为 `read_variable_types` 的函数,它接受一个文件路径作为参数,并返回一个包含变量名和对应类型的字典。
在主程序中,你需要将 `'your_file_path.txt'` 替换为你实际的文件路径。然后调用 `read_variable_types` 函数来获取变量类型的字典。