时间: 2023-07-22 16:42:25 浏览: 90
function [T, W] = mst_prim(A)
% MST_PRIM Minimum Spanning Tree using Prim's algorithm
% [T, W] = MST_PRIM(A) computes the minimum spanning tree T and its weight
% W of the graph A using Prim's algorithm.
% Input:
% A - n-by-n adjacency matrix of the graph.
% Output:
% T - n-by-n sparse matrix of the minimum spanning tree. T(i,j) = 1 if
% there is an edge between i and j in the minimum spanning tree,
% and 0 otherwise.
% W - the weight of the minimum spanning tree.
% Author: Zhiqiang Wang, zwang@ieee.org
% Date: 07/01/2018
n = size(A, 1); % number of vertices
T = sparse(n, n); % initialize the minimum spanning tree
W = 0; % initialize the weight of the minimum spanning tree
key = inf(1, n); % the minimum key value of each vertex
pi = zeros(1, n); % the parent vertex of each vertex
visited = false(1, n); % the visited flag of each vertex
key(1) = 0; % start from vertex 1
for i = 1:n
% find the unvisited vertex with the minimum key value
u = find(~visited & (key == min(key)), 1);
visited(u) = true;
if pi(u) ~= 0
T(u, pi(u)) = 1; % add the edge to the minimum spanning tree
T(pi(u), u) = 1;
W = W + A(u, pi(u)); % update the weight of the minimum spanning tree
% update the key values of the adjacent vertices
for v = 1:n
if A(u, v) ~= 0 && ~visited(v) && A(u, v) < key(v)
key(v) = A(u, v);
pi(v) = u;