SAP BW报表开发designer教程

时间: 2023-10-15 13:07:28 浏览: 40
很高兴为您解答关于SAP BW报表开发designer教程的问题。 SAP BW报表开发designer是SAP BW的一个组件,它提供了一个可视化的界面,可以帮助用户创建各种类型的报表。下面是一些步骤,可以帮助您了解如何使用SAP BW报表开发designer: 1. 打开SAP BW报表开发designer组件,选择一个报表类型,例如:查询报表、Web报表或分析报表。 2. 选择一个数据源,可以从SAP BW中选择一个数据源,或者从外部数据源中选择一个数据源。 3. 创建报表模板,您可以使用内置的模板或创建自定义模板。 4. 添加报表元素,例如:文本框、图表、数据表格等。 5. 配置报表元素,例如:设置数据源、样式、格式等。 6. 预览和测试报表,查看报表的外观和功能。 7. 发布报表,将报表发布到SAP BW系统或其他平台上。 以上是SAP BW报表开发designer的基本步骤,希望可以帮助您快速了解和使用该组件。如果您有任何其他问题,请随时联系我。

BW designer报表开发教程及样例

SAP Business Warehouse (BW) Designer is a powerful reporting tool that allows you to create, design, and publish reports based on your data stored in the SAP BW system. Here are the steps to develop a report using SAP BW Designer: 1. Open SAP BW Designer: Start SAP BW Designer from your SAP system. 2. Create a New Project: In the SAP BW Designer window, select "New Project" from the File menu to create a new project. 3. Define the Data Source: Define the data source for the report by selecting the relevant InfoObjects, InfoCubes, or DataStore objects. You can also define a query as the data source. 4. Design the Report: Design the report by adding report elements such as tables, charts, and graphs. You can format the report elements and add calculations and conditions as needed. 5. Preview the Report: Preview the report to see how it looks and make any necessary changes. 6. Publish the Report: Publish the report to the SAP BW system by selecting "Publish" from the File menu. Here is a sample report in SAP BW Designer: ``` Title: Sales Report Data Source: InfoCube "Sales Data" Report Elements: 1. Table: Columns: a. Product Category b. Product Sub-Category c. Sales Quantity d. Sales Revenue Rows: a. Grouped by Product Category and Product Sub-Category 2. Pie Chart: Data: Sales Quantity by Product Category Format: 3D Pie Chart 3. Bar Chart: Data: Sales Revenue by Product Sub-Category Format: Stacked Bar Chart ``` This sample report provides a table showing the sales quantity and revenue by product category and sub-category, a pie chart showing the sales quantity by product category, and a bar chart showing the sales revenue by product sub-category. The report elements can be further customized to meet your specific requirements.







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