mysql语句查询 hy_patrol_patrol_task表只看create_user_id 和last_update_time这两列数据

时间: 2023-05-23 09:02:59 浏览: 80
可以使用如下的 MySQL 语句查询 hy_patrol_patrol_task 表中的 create_user_id 和 last_update_time 这两列数据: SELECT create_user_id, last_update_time FROM hy_patrol_patrol_task;

SELECT record_id, mid, UNNEST ( string_to_array( ext_7, ',' ) ) AS ext_7 FROM d_form_list_context_patrol_toadb_0419 替换为hivesql

使用Lateral View和Explode函数替换UNNEST和string_to_array函数,同时选择需要的字段,Hive SQL语句如下: SELECT record_id, mid, exploded_ext_7 AS ext_7 FROM d_form_list_context_patrol_toadb_0419 LATERAL VIEW explode(split(ext_7,',')) exploded_ext_7;

用go语言实现实现向地址post消息{ "_page": { "size": 100, "from": 0 }, "actual_patrol_time": "2022-09-27 12:18:33", "patrol_point_id": "1570590222721359872", "task_id": "1574569146639851520", "task_type": 1 }

A: 可以使用 Go 语言的标准库中的 net/http 包来实现 POST 请求。具体实现代码如下: ```go package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "net/http" ) func main() { url := "" data := map[string]interface{}{ "_page": map[string]int{ "size": 100, "from": 0, }, "actual_patrol_time": "2022-09-27 12:18:33", "patrol_point_id": "1570590222721359872", "task_id": "1574569146639851520", "task_type": 1, } requestBody, err := json.Marshal(data) if err != nil { panic(err) } request, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, bytes.NewBuffer(requestBody)) if err != nil { panic(err) } request.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json") client := http.Client{} response, err := client.Do(request) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer response.Body.Close() } ``` 代码中首先构造了一个 HTTP POST 请求,将要发送的数据编码为 JSON 格式,并设置请求头的 Content-Type 为 application/json。然后使用 http.Client 发送请求,并读取返回的响应。


import { onMounted, reactive } from "vue"; import { getPatrolReportList, getUserList ,deletePatrolList} from "@/views/Api/index.js";const table = reactive({ data: [], search: { username: "", search: "", }, members: [], //收费员集合 scopeId, columns: [ { label: "序号", type: "index" }, { label: "巡查员", prop: "nickname", width: 120 }, { label: "路段", prop: "parking_name", width: 200 }, { label: "罚金(元)", prop: "deduction", width: 200 }, { label: "时间", prop: "create_time", width: 180 }, { label: "原因", prop: "content" }, ], loading: false, paging: [1, 20], total: 0, height: "70vh", getColumns() { exportOption.columns = [ Set(table.columns)]; exportOption.columns.shift(); }, getData: async (num) => { table.loading = true; if (typeof num == "number") table.paging[0] = num; const { data } = await getPatrolReportList({ paging: table.paging,, }); = data?.total; table.loading = false; = data?.data; => { if ( { =, - 1).split(","); i.members = table.getTheName(i.uids); } }); }, // 获取收费员 getMembers: async () => { const { data } = await getUserList({ paging: [1, 500], role_id: 19, }); table.members =; table.getData(); }, // 获取惩罚数据中的收费员姓名 getTheName: (ids) => { const namesArr = []; if (ids) { const idsArr = ids.split(","); => { => { if (i.uid == j) { namesArr.push(i.nickname); } }); }); } return namesArr; }, // 撤销惩罚 async del({ parking }) { const { error } = await deletePatrolList({ id: => m.parking_patrol_id).join(","), }); if (error) return; $message.warning("已解绑!"); table.getData(); }, });这段代码报错Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')该怎么解决

请帮我说明这段代码并未成功创建出8个npc车辆的原因 batch = [] npc_blueprints = ["", "", "vehicle.tesla.model3", "", "", "", "", ""] npc_speeds = [20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 35, 30, 20] # in km/h npc_accelerations = [1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2, 2.0, 1.5, 1.0, 1.5] # in m/s^2 npc_waypoints = [[-8871.099609, -11956.523438, 27.530716], [-8504.081055, -5407.712402, 27.530716], [6426.287598, 741.497681, 45.0], [10597.994141, -339.751038, 27.530716], [9715.866211, 430.881317, 27.530716], [17607.03125, -240.132263, 27.530716], [20708.113281, -518.995544, 27.531448], [24519.421875, 2809.513916, 27.530716]] for i in range(8): blueprint = world.get_blueprint_library().find(npc_blueprints[i]) color = random.choice(blueprint.get_attribute('color').recommended_values) blueprint.set_attribute('color', color) if blueprint.has_attribute('driver_id'): driver_id = random.choice(blueprint.get_attribute('driver_id').recommended_values) blueprint.set_attribute('driver_id', driver_id) blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'autopilot') transform = carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=npc_waypoints[i][0], y=npc_waypoints[i][1], z=npc_waypoints[i][2]), carla.Rotation(yaw=0)) print('aaaaa') # prepare the light state of the cars to spawn light_state = vls.NONE if args.car_lights_on: light_state = vls.Position | vls.LowBeam | vls.LowBeam # spawn the cars and set their autopilot and light state all together batch.append(SpawnActor(blueprint, transform) .then(SetAutopilot(FutureActor, True, traffic_manager.get_port())) .then(SetVehicleLightState(FutureActor, light_state))) for response in client.apply_batch_sync(batch, synchronous_master): if response.error: logging.error(response.error) else: vehicles_list.append(response.actor_id) print("*********************************************") for vehicle_id in vehicles_list: print('vehicles_list',vehicles_list) print('vehicle_id',vehicle_id) print(world.get_actor(vehicle_id)) print(world.get_actor(vehicle_id).get_location()) print("****")

阅读下面材料,在空格处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或使用括号中单词的正确形式。 If including inter-state sections, those not protecting the northern border of China, the oldest _____56____(exist) section of the Great Wall of China was the Qi State "Great Wall". It stretches for over 500 kilometers (300 miles) from the Yellow River at Jinan eastwards to the East China Sea, almost ___57____(divide) Shandong Province in half. The "Great Wall" of the Qi State was ___58____(initial) built around 650 BC, and expended during the Warring States Period (475–221 BC). Before the Qi State Wall was built, natural barriers, i.e. rivers and mountain ranges, formed ____59_____ only defensible boundaries between territories as barriers ___60____ enemies. The State of Qi built its Great-Wall-esque military barrier along its southern border to prevent attacks from the State of Lu and the State of Chu. However, rapid development and ____61____(construct) have brought many new problems and challenges in protecting the wall. ____62____ is necessary to provide a solid legal guarantee for its conservation. To tackle the challenges, Shandong Province has passed a regulation protecting the structure____63____will take effect on Jan. 1. This year, Shandong has added 860 patrol posts in seven cities along the Qi wall, mainly recruiting farmers living nearby. Guo Jialian has been patrolling the section of the wall in Guangli village for three months. "I need to check ____64______ there is any damage to the wall that is caused by people digging earth from it. Awareness of protecting the Qi wall _____65_____ (enhance) in recent years. We all know the wall is a cultural relic," says Guo, adding that he frequently sees tourists coming to visit the ancient structure.





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![Redis从入门到精通]( # 1. Redis安装与验证** ### 2.2 Redis验证方法 Redis验证可以通过以下方法进行: - **命令行验证:** - 打开终端,输入 `redis-cli` 命令进入 Redis 命令行。 - 输入 `ping` 命令,如果返回 "PONG",则表示 Redis 正在运行。 - **客户端验证:** - 使用 Redis 客户端(如 RedisInsight)连接到 Redis 服务器。

3、自定义一个函数int compareStr(char *p1, char *p2),实现两个字符串的比较。相等返回0,大于返回1,小于返回0;编写主函数main()来调用自定义函数完成测试。

下面是自定义的 `compareStr` 函数的代码实现: ```c #include <stdio.h> int compareStr(char *p1, char *p2) { while (*p1 && *p2 && (*p1 == *p2)) { p1++; p2++; } return (*p1 > *p2) - (*p1 < *p2); } int main() { char str1[100], str2[100]; int result; printf("请输入第一个字符串:");

c++校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计说明书(含源代码) (2).pdf

校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计旨在帮助学生深入理解程序设计的基础知识,同时锻炼他们的实际操作能力。通过设计和实现一个校园超市商品信息管理系统,学生掌握了如何利用计算机科学与技术知识解决实际问题的能力。在课程设计过程中,学生需要对超市商品和销售员的关系进行有效管理,使系统功能更全面、实用,从而提高用户体验和便利性。 学生在课程设计过程中展现了积极的学习态度和纪律,没有缺勤情况,演示过程流畅且作品具有很强的使用价值。设计报告完整详细,展现了对问题的深入思考和解决能力。在答辩环节中,学生能够自信地回答问题,展示出扎实的专业知识和逻辑思维能力。教师对学生的表现予以肯定,认为学生在课程设计中表现出色,值得称赞。 整个课程设计过程包括平时成绩、报告成绩和演示与答辩成绩三个部分,其中平时表现占比20%,报告成绩占比40%,演示与答辩成绩占比40%。通过这三个部分的综合评定,最终为学生总成绩提供参考。总评分以百分制计算,全面评估学生在课程设计中的各项表现,最终为学生提供综合评价和反馈意见。 通过校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计,学生不仅提升了对程序设计基础知识的理解与应用能力,同时也增强了团队协作和沟通能力。这一过程旨在培养学生综合运用技术解决问题的能力,为其未来的专业发展打下坚实基础。学生在进行校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计过程中,不仅获得了理论知识的提升,同时也锻炼了实践能力和创新思维,为其未来的职业发展奠定了坚实基础。 校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计的目的在于促进学生对程序设计基础知识的深入理解与掌握,同时培养学生解决实际问题的能力。通过对系统功能和用户需求的全面考量,学生设计了一个实用、高效的校园超市商品信息管理系统,为用户提供了更便捷、更高效的管理和使用体验。 综上所述,校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计是一项旨在提升学生综合能力和实践技能的重要教学活动。通过此次设计,学生不仅深化了对程序设计基础知识的理解,还培养了解决实际问题的能力和团队合作精神。这一过程将为学生未来的专业发展提供坚实基础,使其在实际工作中能够胜任更多挑战。