for (int j = 1; j < image.rows - 1; j++) { const uchar* previous = image.ptr<const uchar>(j - 1); const uchar* current = image.ptr<const uchar>(j); const uchar* next = image.ptr<const uchar>(j + 1);的含义
时间: 2024-04-09 19:29:48 浏览: 187
代码中的循环`for (int j = 1; j < image.rows - 1; j++)`用于遍历输入图像的每一行像素,但忽略了第一行和最后一行。这是因为在进行某些图像处理操作时,通常需要使用当前行的前一行和后一行的像素数据来计算新的像素值。
在循环内部的代码中,使用了`image.ptr<const uchar>(j)`来获取图像中第`j`行像素数据的指针。`ptr()`函数返回了一个指向指定行像素数据的指针,并且通过参数指定了数据的类型(此处为`const uchar`,表示无符号字符类型)。
#include<string> #include"resource.h" #include<opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include<opencv2/core.hpp> #include <zxing/DecodeHints.h> #include <zxing/MultiFormatReader.h> #include <zxing/Result.h> #include <zxing/BinaryBitmap.h> #include <zxing/common/GlobalHistogramBinarizer.h> using namespace zxing; using namespace std; class OpenCVLuminanceSource : public zxing::LuminanceSource { private: cv::Mat image_; public: OpenCVLuminanceSource(cv::Mat image) : LuminanceSource(image.cols, image.rows), image_(image) {} zxing::ArrayRef<char> getRow(int y, zxing::ArrayRef<char> row) const { int width = getWidth(); if (!row || row->size() < width) { row = zxing::ArrayRef<char>(width); } const uchar* imgRow = image_.ptr<uchar>(y); memcpy(&row[0], imgRow, width); return row; } zxing::ArrayRef<char> getMatrix() const { int width = getWidth(); int height = getHeight(); zxing::ArrayRef<char> matrix = zxing::ArrayRef<char>(width * height); for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { const uchar* imgRow = image_.ptr<uchar>(y); memcpy(&matrix[y * width], imgRow, width); } return matrix; } }; int main() { cv::Mat image = cv::imread("path/to/your/image.jpg", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); cv::Mat image = cv::imread("path/to/your/image.jpg", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); OpenCVLuminanceSource source(image); zxing::Ref<zxing::LuminanceSource> luminanceSource(&source); zxing::Ref<zxing::Binarizer> binarizer = zxing::Binarizer::createBinarizer(luminanceSource); zxing::Ref<zxing::BinaryBitmap> bitmap = zxing::Ref<zxing::BinaryBitmap>(new zxing::BinaryBitmap(binarizer)); zxing::DecodeHints hints; hints.setTryHarder(true); zxing::MultiFormatReader reader; zxing::Ref<zxing::Result> result = reader.decode(bitmap, hints); std::string decodedData = result->getText()->getText(); std::cout << "Decoded data: " << decodedData << std::endl; }
您的代码看起来是使用 OpenCV 和 zxing 库来对图像进行解码。请注意,您在代码中有两次定义 `cv::Mat image`,请删除其中一次,以避免重复定义的错误。
此外,您还需要确保已正确引入 OpenCV 和 zxing 库,并在编译时链接到这些库。
void Extract1DEdgeCircle::GetProfieMat() { if (m_mInputMat.empty()) { return; } if (m_mInputMat.channels() > 1) { cvtColor(m_mInputMat, m_mInputMat, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); } //Get ROI mat. RotatedRect rMaskRegion(m_pdCenter, Size2f(GetPPDistance(m_pdStart, m_pdEnd) + 10, m_dLength + 10), m_dAngle); Point2f rRegionPoints[4]; rMaskRegion.points(rRegionPoints); Mat mask = Mat::zeros(m_mInputMat.size(), CV_8UC1); Point ppt[] = { rRegionPoints[0], rRegionPoints[1], rRegionPoints[2], rRegionPoints[3] }; const Point* pts[] = { ppt }; int npt[] = { 4 }; fillPoly(mask, pts, npt, 1, Scalar::all(255), 8); Mat RoiMat = Mat::zeros(m_mInputMat.size(), m_mInputMat.type()); bitwise_and(m_mInputMat, m_mInputMat, RoiMat, mask); Mat RotateMat = getRotationMatrix2D(m_pdCenter, -m_dAngle, 1); warpAffine(RoiMat, RoiMat, RotateMat, m_mInputMat.size(), WARP_INVERSE_MAP); Mat newCenter = RotateMat * (Mat_<double>(3, 1) << m_pdCenter.x, m_pdCenter.y, 1); double x =<double>(0, 0); double y =<double>(1, 0); Mat M = (Mat_<double>(2, 3) << 1, 0, x - m_dLength * 0.5, 0, 1, y - m_dHeight * 0.5); warpAffine(RoiMat, m_mInputMat, M, Size2d(m_dLength, m_dHeight), WARP_INVERSE_MAP); }这段代码如何使用AVX2指令集加速
To use AVX2 instructions to accelerate this code, we need to identify the parts of the code that can be parallelized and vectorized. One potential candidate is the image warping operations (i.e., `warpAffine` function calls).
To use AVX2 instructions, we need to use the `cv::parallel_for_` function to parallelize the loop that applies the warping operations to each pixel in the image.
Next, we need to vectorize the code inside the loop using AVX2 instructions. We can use the `cv::v_load` function to load 8 consecutive pixels (assuming a 8-byte data type) into an AVX2 register, and the `cv::v_gather` function to gather non-consecutive pixels into an AVX2 register. We can then perform the necessary arithmetic operations using AVX2 instructions and store the results back to memory using the `cv::v_store` function.
Here is an example of how the code inside the loop can be vectorized using AVX2 instructions:
__m256i vindex = _mm256_set_epi32(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < src.rows; i++)
uchar* src_ptr = src.ptr<uchar>(i);
uchar* dst_ptr = dst.ptr<uchar>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < src.cols; j += 8)
__m256i vsrc = cv::v_load(src_ptr + j);
__m256i vx = _mm256_add_epi32(_mm256_mul_epu32(_mm256_cvtepu8_epi32(vindex), vx_step), vx_offset);
__m256i vy = _mm256_add_epi32(_mm256_mul_epu32(_mm256_cvtepu8_epi32(vindex), vy_step), vy_offset);
__m256i vx_lo = _mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(vx, 0));
__m256i vx_hi = _mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(vx, 1));
__m256i vy_lo = _mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(vy, 0));
__m256i vy_hi = _mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(vy, 1));
__m256i vx_lo_32 = _mm256_cvtepi64_epi32(vx_lo);
__m256i vx_hi_32 = _mm256_cvtepi64_epi32(vx_hi);
__m256i vy_lo_32 = _mm256_cvtepi64_epi32(vy_lo);
__m256i vy_hi_32 = _mm256_cvtepi64_epi32(vy_hi);
__m256i vsrc00 = cv::v_gather(src_ptr, src_step, vx_lo_32, vy_lo_32, _mm256_setzero_si256(), 1);
__m256i vsrc01 = cv::v_gather(src_ptr, src_step, vx_hi_32, vy_lo_32, _mm256_setzero_si256(), 1);
__m256i vsrc10 = cv::v_gather(src_ptr, src_step, vx_lo_32, vy_hi_32, _mm256_setzero_si256(), 1);
__m256i vsrc11 = cv::v_gather(src_ptr, src_step, vx_hi_32, vy_hi_32, _mm256_setzero_si256(), 1);
__m256i vsrc0 = _mm256_packs_epi32(vsrc00, vsrc01);
__m256i vsrc1 = _mm256_packs_epi32(vsrc10, vsrc11);
__m256i vsrc = _mm256_packus_epi16(vsrc0, vsrc1);
cv::v_store(dst_ptr + j, vsrc);
Note that this is just an example, and the actual implementation may depend on the specifics of the code and the hardware platform.