grep -n 'o\{2\}'test.txt
时间: 2024-01-19 08:58:20 浏览: 101
As an AI language model, I cannot execute commands on your local machine. However, I can explain the syntax and usage of the command you have provided.
The command "grep" is used to search for a specific pattern or keyword in a file or files. The "-n" option is used to display the line number where the pattern or keyword is found. In this case, the pattern being searched for is "o" repeated twice using the curly braces notation "{2}", followed by the name of the file "test.txt".
So, the command will search for all occurrences of the pattern "oo" in the file "test.txt" and display the line numbers where they are found.
以下shell脚本是设么意思,转换测python: if [ ! -s "${UUT_SN[itemloop]}_level3_item.txt" ] && [ ! -s "${UUT_SN[itemloop]}_save.txt" ] && [ ! -s "save.txt" ] ; then test_result="fail" exit_code=1 echo "fail,$(date +"%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") can not find test result txt file." | tee -a ${UUT_SN[itemloop]}_save.txt fi #如果没有"条码_level3_item.txt"文件但是有"条码_save.txt"文件或者"save.txt"文件,如果这两个文件里面既没有fail的关键字又没有pass的 #关键字,那么也认为测试记录文件的格式错误 if [ ! -s "${UUT_SN[itemloop]}_level3_item.txt" ] && [ -s "${UUT_SN[itemloop]}_save.txt" -o -s "save.txt" ] ; then if ! grep -qiwE "fail|failed|pass|passed" "${UUT_SN[itemloop]}_save.txt" && ! grep -qiwE "fail|failed|pass|passed" "save.txt" ; then test_result="fail" exit_code=1 echo "fail,$(date +"%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") can not find test result in save file" | tee -a ${UUT_SN[itemloop]}_save.txt fi fi #如果没有"条码_save.txt"文件的话我们手动生成一个 if [ ! -s ${UUT_SN[itemloop]}_save.txt ] ; then echo "$test_result" | tee ${UUT_SN[itemloop]}_save.txt fi echo "$test_result" | tee "${UUT_SN[itemloop]}_result.txt"
if not os.path.exists("{0}_level3_item.txt".format(UUT_SN[itemloop])) and not os.path.exists("{0}_save.txt".format(UUT_SN[itemloop])) and not os.path.exists("save.txt"):
test_result = "fail"
exit_code = 1
with open("{0}_save.txt".format(UUT_SN[itemloop]), "a") as f:
f.write("fail,{0} can not find test result txt file.\n".format("%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
if not os.path.exists("{0}_level3_item.txt".format(UUT_SN[itemloop])) and (os.path.exists("{0}_save.txt".format(UUT_SN[itemloop])) or os.path.exists("save.txt")):
if not any(keyword in open("{0}_save.txt".format(UUT_SN[itemloop])).read() for keyword in ["fail", "failed", "pass", "passed"]) and not any(keyword in open("save.txt").read() for keyword in ["fail", "failed", "pass", "passed"]):
test_result = "fail"
exit_code = 1
with open("{0}_save.txt".format(UUT_SN[itemloop]), "a") as f:
f.write("fail,{0} can not find test result in save file.\n".format("%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
if not os.path.exists("{0}_save.txt".format(UUT_SN[itemloop])):
with open("{0}_save.txt".format(UUT_SN[itemloop]), "w") as f:
with open("{0}_result.txt".format(UUT_SN[itemloop]), "w") as f:
写出下列命令所完成的操作: 1.chmod ug+w.o-w filel.txt file2.txt 2.find/home -user fe2000 -atime +7 -exec rm -f {} \; 3.chmod 000 bak/* (3)写出完成下列功能所需要的命令: ①显示目录/tmp目录下最后三个文件的ls长格式信息。 ②显示变量名为PATH的值(PATH记录了系统命令对应程序所在的位置)。 ③找出文件/etc/passwd中包含root 的所有行,并将这些行累加存储到文件/home/yyl/rootpass中。 ④找出文件系统中所有名字为myfile的文件,并输出这些文件路径到/root/test 文件中,此命令后台操作。 ⑤后台启动gedit,然后通过控制台将其强行关闭(需要两条命令)。 ⑥查看当前系统中所有的线程,并以树状显示。 7.配置IP地址信息:IP为192.168.2.3:掩码为255.255.255.0;网关为192.168.2.254 8.添加一条静态ARP信息:IP地址: 地址:12-34-56-78-9A-BC) 9.显示2015年7月~9月的月历。 (4)写出下列命令所完成的操作: 1.export HELLO=“hello world” 2.wc-w/home/yyl/MyPeom.txt>MyPeomCnt.txt 3.pS -a -e -S 4.arp -d
1. 给文件file1.txt和file2.txt增加了用户和用户组的写权限,同时取消了其他用户对这两个文件的写权限。
2. 查找/home目录下最后一次访问时间超过7天,并且所有者为fe2000的文件,并将其删除。
3. 将bak目录下的所有文件权限设置为000。
①ls -lrt /tmp | tail -n 3
②echo $PATH
③grep "root" /etc/passwd >> /home/yyl/rootpass
④find / -name "myfile" > /root/test &
⑤gedit &
killall gedit
7. ifconfig eth0 netmask
route add default gw
8. arp -s 12:34:56:78:9A:BC
9. cal 7 2015
cal 8 2015
cal 9 2015
1. 将环境变量HELLO的值设置为“hello world”。
2. 统计文件MyPeom.txt中的字符数、单词数、行数,并将结果输出到文件MyPeomCnt.txt中。
3. 显示所有进程的信息,包括进程的PID、状态、命令等。
4. 删除ARP缓存中IP地址为192.168.0.2的项。