时间: 2024-09-24 15:25:21 浏览: 49
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
// 定义一个简单的结构体来表示图像和它们的位置
struct ImagePosition {
std::vector<std::vector<int>> image; // 图像数据
int row, col; // 图像在矩阵中的起始行和列
// 获取两个相邻图像的位置关系(例如左邻右舍)
void getPositionRelation(ImagePosition img1, ImagePosition img2) {
int img1_width = img1.image[0].size();
int img1_height = img1.image.size();
for (int i = img1.row; i < img1_height && i <= img2.row + 1; ++i) { // 遍历img1的行
for (int j = img1.col; j < img1_width && j <= img2.col + 1; ++j) { // 遍历img1的列
if (i == img2.row && j == img2.col) {
std::cout << "Two images have the same pixel at (" << j << ", " << i << ").\n";
} else if (i == img2.row + 1 || i == img2.row - 1) { // 上下相邻
std::cout << "Image 2 is above/below Image 1 at (" << j << ", " << i << ").\n";
} else if (j == img2.col + 1 || j == img2.col - 1) { // 左右相邻
std::cout << "Image 2 is to the left/right of Image 1 at (" << j << ", " << i << ").\n";
int main() {
ImagePosition img1 = ...; // 初始化第一个图像
ImagePosition img2 = ...; // 初始化第二个图像
getPositionRelation(img1, img2);
return 0;