时间: 2024-01-05 17:03:39 浏览: 246
以下是一个基于固定点约束的机器人运动学参数标定代码的简单示例。代码使用MATLAB编写,需要使用Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB进行运算。
% Define robot parameters
L1 = Link('d', 0.5, 'a', 0, 'alpha', pi/2);
L2 = Link('d', 0, 'a', 0.5, 'alpha', 0);
robot = SerialLink([L1 L2], 'name', 'robot');
% Define joint angles and initial pose
q = [0.5, 0];
T = robot.fkine(q);
% Define fixed points in robot base frame
P1 = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1];
P2 = [0.1, -0.1, 0.1];
P3 = [-0.1, -0.1, 0.1];
% Transform fixed points to robot coordinate frame
P1 = T * [P1, 1]';
P2 = T * [P2, 1]';
P3 = T * [P3, 1]';
% Calculate robot end-effector position and orientation
T = robot.fkine(q);
p = T.t;
R = T.R;
% Transform end-effector position to robot coordinate frame
p = T * [p, 1]';
% Calculate error between fixed points and end-effector position
e1 = P1(1:3) - p(1:3);
e2 = P2(1:3) - p(1:3);
e3 = P3(1:3) - p(1:3);
% Initialize robot parameters
a1 = 0.5;
a2 = 0.5;
% Calculate Jacobian matrix
J = robot.jacob0(q);
% Iterate until error is small enough
while norm([e1, e2, e3]) > 0.001
% Calculate delta_a using pseudoinverse
delta_a = pinv(J) * [e1; e2; e3];
% Update robot parameters
a1 = a1 + delta_a(1);
a2 = a2 + delta_a(2);
% Update robot DH parameters
robot.links(1).a = a1;
robot.links(2).a = a2;
% Recalculate Jacobian matrix
J = robot.jacob0(q);
% Calculate error between fixed points and end-effector position
e1 = P1(1:3) - p(1:3);
e2 = P2(1:3) - p(1:3);
e3 = P3(1:3) - p(1:3);