this.resetForm("form");有index of错误
时间: 2024-10-14 13:15:29 浏览: 27
当你看到 `this.resetForm("form")` 中抛出 "index out of range" 或 "index of" 的错误,这通常发生在JavaScript中尝试访问数组元素但提供的索引超出数组长度的情况下。`resetForm` 函数看起来是在处理某个表单相关的操作,并期望找到名为 "form" 的组件,可能是通过DOM查找或者数组查找。
如果这个函数内部有一个涉及到 `indexOf` 或者类似查找的地方,比如查找某个字段或者元素的索引,而传入的 "form" 并不是一个有效的索引或不是数组成员,就会触发这个错误。例如:
let elements = document.getElementsByClassName('form'); // 这里假设 'elements' 是一个HTMLCollection,而不是数组
// 如果你想查找 index:
const formIndex = elements.indexOf('form');
if (formIndex !== -1) {
this.resetForm(formIndex); // 如果 'form' 不是 'elements' 中的元素,就会报错
} else {
console.error('No form element found with the given name.');
getDiscussList(page) { this.$http.get('discussjinrishici/list', {params: {page, limit: this.pageSize, refid:}}).then(res => { if ( == 0) { this.infoList =; =; this.pageSize =;this.pageSizes = [this.pageSize, this.pageSize*2, this.pageSize*3, this.pageSize*5]; this.totalPage =; } }); }, submitForm(formName) { let sensitiveWords = ""; let sensitiveWordsArr = []; if(sensitiveWords) { sensitiveWordsArr = sensitiveWords.split(","); } for(var i=0; i<sensitiveWordsArr.length; i++){ //全局替换 var reg = new RegExp(sensitiveWordsArr[i],"g"); //判断内容中是否包括敏感词 if (this.form.content.indexOf(sensitiveWordsArr[i]) > -1) { // 将敏感词替换为 ** this.form.content = this.form.content.replace(reg,"**"); } } this.$refs[formName].validate((valid) => { if (valid) { this.form.refid =; this.form.avatarurl = localStorage.getItem('headportrait')?localStorage.getItem('headportrait'):''; this.$'discussjinrishici/add', this.form).then(res => { if ( == 0) { this.form.content = ''; this.getDiscussList(1); this.$message({ type: 'success', message: '评论成功!', duration: 1500, }); } }); } else { return false; } }); }, resetForm(formName) { this.$refs[formName].resetFields(); }, }, components: { CountDown } } </script>
this.$refs.formValidate.resetFields() Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'indexOf')
The error message "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'indexOf')" usually occurs when you are trying to access a property or invoke a method on an undefined value. In this case, it seems like you are trying to reset fields using `this.$refs.formValidate.resetFields()`, but `formValidate` is undefined.
To fix this issue, make sure that you have defined `formValidate` and it is properly assigned to the form reference using `ref` attribute in your template. Here's an example of how you can define and use `formValidate`:
In your template:
<el-form ref="formValidate" :model="formData" :rules="formRules">
<!-- form fields -->
In your component's script:
export default {
data() {
return {
formData: {}, // initialize form data object
formRules: {}, // define form validation rules
methods: {
resetForm() {
// make sure that this.$refs.formValidate is defined
if (this.$refs.formValidate) {
By following this pattern, you should be able to resolve the error and reset the form fields successfully.